This is the second part of the Rough Draft 1 previously done and it is attached for guide or information.The theories used in Rough Draft 1 were: This writer has chosen to compare ( Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs) who is a Grand theorist and (Recovery Alliance Theory of Mental Health Nursing) who is a Middle Range Theorist.
In this Rough Draft PART 2 the following instructions must be completed in the paper:PLEASE FOLLOW THEM STRCITLY, ATTACHED IS ROGUH DRAFT PART 1 .
YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS IN YOUR INTRODUCTION: You can add but it must be in your introduction paragraph.DEDUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN!!! Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to submit a comprehensive paper of this writer’s Nursing Theory Comparison Paper with Instructor feedback from week 5 in APA format which is due this week, 7. The following 10 sections will be presented to include bold headers before each section. This writer has chosen to compare XXXXX who is a Grand theorist and YYYYY who is a Middle Range Theorist.
- Introduction SEE ABOVE
- Background of each theorist (where they grew up, siblings, schooling) and an overview
- Philosophical underpinnings (What or Who contributed or inspired them)
- Major Assumptions, concepts, and relationships (Discussion Question week 2 will be helpful with this section. This should be your longest section)
- Clinical application of each theorist (usefulness, value to extend the nursing science)
- Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
- Specific examples of how each theory could be applied to your specific clinical setting ( please provide examples.
- Parsimony (this section needs to talk about the simplest way to apply this theory. Remember Grand Nursing Theories are Broad while Middle Range theories tend to be more specific and therefore easier to apply into practice. If a theory is simple in its process, then it is parsimony in its application.
- Conclusion – In conclusion, this writer submitted a comprehensive paper of this writer’s Nursing Theory Comparison Paper with Instructor feedback from week 5 in APA format which is due this week, 7. The following 10 sections were include with bold headers before each section. This writer chose to compare Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs who is a Grand theorist and Recovery Alliance Theory of Mental Health Nursing who is a Middle Range Theorist.
PAPER should be at least 5 pages of content, title page and reference page no older 5 years old. It should be typed with 12-point accepted APA font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA style must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list.