Unit2PeerResponse 5006 Due 10.20.2022
Response Guidelines
To practice thinking critically and communicating when advocating for your point of view on behalf of your clients, challenge a colleague’s policy analytic method, value critical analysis versus analytic descriptive, by providing competing arguments for using the opposite method.
Peer Response to challenge:
The value critical analysis is defined as “economic, cultural, and social structures privilege some and not others, those who are not privileged tend to need social work service because of their position in such structures (Chambers & Bonk, 2014)”. Analytic descriptive method evaluation is defined as a method that “identifies or describes a social policy or program and what the outcome should be as a result of the identifiable challenge (Chambers & Bonk, 2014)”.There are a few differences between the two forms of analysis. The differences are that the value critical analysis evaluates the process of using current and historical data to identify trends and relationships but doesn’t dig deep into the concern, analytic descriptive method policy analysis is the description of a social policy or program, and considers the impacts that the policy or program will have on their neighbors or friends.The analytic descriptive method offers a viewpoint of how things works. In order to best address the issue I presented in my discussion I would use the analytic approach to analyze the various ways social policy can help balance the equal rights of women.