Chapter 7
Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience.
- Please select a job from the following list: commercial diver, oil derrick operator, diamond worker, gaming dealer, or fire investigator. Which did you select?
- Using www.onetonline.org, conduct a task analysis for this position. What knowledge, skills, and abilities are important for this position? Please do not copy and paste, just summarize.
- Of the KSAs listed in Step 2, how many of these would you expect a new employee to have coming in to your organization and what might you need to train a new hire to do?
- Additionally, what other job- or organization-specific training would you require a new hire to undertake?
- Of the training that you have listed above in Steps 3 and 4, tell me how specifically you would administer each training program? What training methods would you use in your training process?
- How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your training program? Please be specific
Chapter 8
Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience.
- What are three reasons why it’s important to assess employee performance on a regular basis? Explain.
- Please re-read the section in the book on the different tools used for appraising performance (graphic rating scale, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, etc.). Based on what you read in the book, please rank all of the methods listed in the book in the order that you believe will be the most fair to employees from an employee’s perspective. Why did you choose this ranking? (Why did you choose your top pick as your top and your bottom pick as your bottom?)
- Now reorder your list in the order that you believe is the easiest for supervisors to administer from a supervisor’s perspective? Why did you choose this order?
- Did your two lists agree with one another? What did you learn by doing this exercise?
Chapter 9
Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience. The following questions all go together. They are to be answered sequentially. Refer to your answers for the previous questions when answering the next question.
- Look up some sample Internet usage policies and make up YOUR OWN (not copied from someone else’s website) as if you were an HR manager for a bank. Make it sufficiently detailed as to cover general Internet use, email use, online shopping, Skype usage, restricted websites, time allotted per day for recreational browsing, etc.
- How would you monitor such activity? If you would use monitoring software, do some research and please include a brand name and a brief summary of features (in your own words).
- March Madness begins and one of your best employees has been watching basketball games off and on all day in a minimized browser on his computer. It doesn’t appear to be disrupting the flow of his work, but a couple of the other employees are complaining that it’s not fair for him to watch basketball all day when they have to work. When you confront him, he says that it’s not a big deal because he’s able to get his work done easily and still keep an eye on the game and he tells you to get off his back. What is your response?
- The next day, the same thing happens with the same employee. You mention something to him, and he says that there are lots of other banks in town that would welcome his skills. What is your response?
- The day after that, the employee doesn’t show up to work and sends you an email that he is taking a job at a bank down the street. The general manager comes up to you and says, “That internet policy just cost us our best customer service representative. Couldn’t you have cut him some slack?” What is your response?