Use the video link and answer the questions below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URWXGbkBd2M
MLA format
- Use the Classical Argument Model work provided, or the text or video your instructor has posted to complete this assignment.
- Identify the parts of the argument. You may copy/paste from the text/video transcript or simply type the first sentence of the section you are identifying.
For your one reply, choose one element from a classmate’s post and respond with “agree because” or “disagree because” statements. Your answer should be specific, not general.
- For example, “I agree with your identification of the thesis statement because that is the one sentence that completely reflects both the issue and the author’s position.”
Identify the thesis statement: The thesis is the main point of the argument. In the example, what is the one sentence that the author gives as their thesis statement?
Identify the narration section: This may be history, background, or other information needed to put the argument in perspective. In general, the narration provides a neutral overview of the general topic.
Identify the partition section: The partition should provide a general preview of the issue about to be argued. It will not go into detail, but it will help the reader understand why there is a disagreement and why the issue is important.Identify a sub-claim: There are multiple claims in the example argument. Identify one and then describe what type of claim it is.
Identify evidence: For the sub-claim, you chose, what evidence is used to support it? What type of evidence is it and does it actually prove the sub-claim it is supporting? Why/why not?
Identify the counter-argument(s) and refutation: Are there any counterclaims that go against the author’s thesis? What are they? How does the author refute the counterclaim? Do they use evidence or another strategy?
Identify the conclusion: The conclusion is pretty easy to find. However, what exactly is in the author’s conclusion? What elements of their main argument do they reinforce? Does the conclusion leave a lasting impression? Why or why not?