In this last part of the SDAP, you will build a framework for your personal development of skills that are relevant to your career.
- Extend the given skill sets in the SDAP workbook with additional sets that list specialized skills for specific areas like “management” and “research.”
- You should plan to develop these skills over the course of your Doctoral program and beyond.
- As you plan the development of additional, specialized skill sets, refer to frameworks that exist in the literature and on professional websites. For example,
- Abreu, B. C., et al. (1998). Competence in scientific inquiry and research. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 52 (9), pp. 751–759., doi:10.5014/ajot.52.9.751. Retrieved from https://ajot.aota.org/article.aspx?articleid=1862602.
- Government of Saskatchewan. (2015). Leadership and Management Competencies. Retrieved from http://www.employeeservices.gov.sk.ca/interactiveguide
- ALA American Library Association. (n.d.). Leadership and management competencies. Retrieved January 25, 2021, from http://www.ala.org/core/continuing%20education/leadership-and-management-competencies
- The goal for part of the Assignment is to build specialized skill sets with three-level definitions following the model presented in the skills-related tabs in the SDAP.xlsx. Although it would be helpful to have examples for each, you are not required to include these at this time, since finding examples takes a lot of time. You will be building, revising, and extending these skill sets throughout your program. The purpose is for you to plan and track your personal Skill Development.
- Building on the earlier parts you completed for this Assignment, you will now create additional tabs in your SDAP workbook to facilitate the planning and tracking of critical activities and events that contribute to your professional and academic development such as (in no particular order):
- Completion of critical Assignments
- Description of how Assignments help you develop specific skills
- Inventory of topics that interest you
- Extended lists of skills that you need to develop to meet you own career goals (e.g. Management specific skills, research specific skills, etc.)
- Completion of courses in your program
- Participation in academic and professional conferences
- Collaboration with peers on research projects
- Presentations and publications
- Reviewer roles for academic journals
The organization of these tabs is up to you. However, you should consider the following:
- For each category you add, include at least one specific item to track.
- This is easy for all course and program related activities since these are included in the corresponding Syllabus and typically come with deadlines and evaluation criteria.
- However, you should also include specifics for categories that are not given to you. For example, when you build a sheet to plan and track your attendance at conferences, look for a conference that will take place in the next 6–12 months, and add it to the list.
- Note: You should already plan to attend selected conferences in your field as a student and even submit proposals to present findings from research activities later in your program.
- In your tracking mechanism, be sure to include a space for evaluative and reflective notes along with target and actual completion dates.
- Include links to external documentation (e.g. Assignment handouts, Evaluation Rubrics, etc.) and websites (e.g. conferences, journals, etc.).
Personalized SDAP