Make a follow-up of a student’s weekly discussion and respond with your opinionregarding to her post
Through this week’s reading, I discovered what Transcultural nursing means. “Transcultural nursing is a theoretical and evidence-based formal area of study and practice within professional nursing that focuses on people’s culturally based beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, and practices related to wellness, health, birth, illness, healing, dying, and death,” (Andrews, et al., 2020 p.12). Transcultural nursing means to me that a nurse is able to properly care for, communicate with, and relate to an individual from a culture that is different than their own. Transcultural nursing to me also means that a nurse is not biased but accepting of an individual’s culture.
This course is a part of my course curriculum for obtaining my BSN. I am glad that this course is a requirement because I am excited to learn about different cultures. I feel that this course will be beneficial to me in my nursing practice because as a nurse we work closely with all individuals. It is important to learn about different cultures because we are not all the same and we do not all come from the same backgrounds.
Within the next eight weeks, I hope to learn more about all different cultures. I would like to gain cultural competence. In taking this course I would also like to learn how to be more comfortable about asking patients from a different culture about their culture, beliefs, and how they care for themselves.
I found an article about the effects of transcultural nursing education on nursing students in it, the authors state, “nurses must have sufficient knowledge about different cultural backgrounds and traditions to be competent to perform holistic patient assessments” (Tosun, et al., 2021). My hope is this course will allow me to do just that. I want to be able to care for all individuals as a whole and provide them all with the best nursing care.
Andrews, M. M., Boyle, J. S., & Collins, J. W. (2020). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (8th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Tosun, B., Yava, A., Dirgar, E., Şahin, E. B., Yılmaz, E. B., Papp, K., Tóthova, V., Hellerova, V., Prosen, M., Licen, S., Karnjus, I., Tamayo, M. D. B., Leyva-Moral, J. M., Claeys, A., & Tricas-Sauras, S. (2021). Addressing the effects of transcultural nursing education on nursing students’ cultural competence: A systematic review. Nurse Education in Practice, 55, 103171–103171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103171