Module 5 Assignment | Competitive Analysis
Using the template in Module 5 Complete a competitor analysis for a competitor to the company
you have chosen for the goal assignment and the target audience assignment (it should be the
same company/brand). You ONLY need to turn in the Excel template. You ONLY need to find
one competitor. (There is room for 3, don’t do three.) You must complete at least one social
media channel. If you cannot think of a competitor or that competitor has no social media, then
talk to me. We can figure it out together.
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats come from the SWOT analysis. There is a
SWOT analysis template in this module, which you do not have to fill out, but you may. The
supplemental reading will explain how a SWOT is completed. For your final project, you will
be expected to include the Opportunities and Threats afforded by social media.
Content refers to what sort of content: Is it images, images + text, just text, a quiz, a contest? So
Content: Text vs. Image is exactly that, which is more prominent. Content 1,2,3 … allows you to
list the sort of content and how often it is used. You only need to cover a couple of weeks.
Example: image only – product 5 times.
Promotional refers to the percentage of content that is strictly promotional … ads, coupons etc.
Non-promotional material, which is what you usually use social media for, is brand awareness
and brand reputation. No overt mention of the product although it may be in the image. It just
isn’t the whole point of the image. Use your best judgment.
Lecture: ADV4323 Module 5 Lecture