Under the theme of the Anthropocene Sea, identify and analyze a major issue regarding the world’s oceans, seas, and coasts.
a) Pick a news/magazine article from a reputable source related to the marine worlds.
* Reputable sources here refer to news outlets with high standards of researching and accountability (BBC, NPR, National Geographic, etc. Do not cite Wikipedia).
b) What is at stake? Analyze the article focusing on human-nature relationships. What kinds of human activities are involved and what changes do they bring about to the marine worlds? Who/what are being affected? What are the spatial and temporal scales of this issue? (Is this a local issue or a potentially global issue? Is there a quick fix, or would this issue last for a long time?) In what sense can we call this an aspect of the Anthropocene Sea?
c) Write a reflection post. Your writing should include a summary of the article (include Who, What, When, Where, Why, and Howabout the issue as possible) and your thought on how this issue can be analyzed from an Anthropocene perspective.
d) Add the reference you used in the end. Include Author, Year, and a hyperlink to the article.
Your writing will be graded based on:
a) the rule of CSC — a clear, specific, and coherent writing; and,
b) the length of the writing
400 words