Your discussion post is to answer this question: What do you think nursing contributes to health care? How can a robotic system incorporate the clinical judgment that nurses use? Be as creative as you wish!
If you can, listen to the following audio clip from National Nurses United’s “Insist on a Registered Nurse” campaign:
While this is an attempt at humor about a serious situation, it drives a fundamental question: What would health care be without nurses?
INITIAL POSTING: Incorporated knowledge of readings and material within the response, contributed a substantive posting that demonstrated cognitive reflection, critical thinking and understanding of the subject matter. Ideas examine topic from new perspective that contributes to group understanding of topic Initial post: 100-125 words, minimum/Postings offered substantial, well written contributions and opinions, observations, questions, experiences, critiques, and/or suggestions. Reflects a reference from the required readings or outside readings, and/or personal experiences related to the question. Met criteria for length of response.
discussion post