A requirement for BIO2070 is to write a scholarly paper that focuses on a course-related medical topic.(Leukemia)The project is organized based upon two parts: medicinal and pathological. The following outlineprovides a guide for presentation/paper organization.Elaborate on a disease related to the chapters covered during the quarter.• What is the disease (origin, transmission, etc) and its symptoms? Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting?• What are the causes of the disease? i.e. biological, environmental factors• What specific body systems are affected by the condition and how? i.e. identify the signs andsymptoms• Describe virulence factors and pathogenesis• Discuss the transmission and epidemiology of the disease. What are the means of prevention?• What are options (at least 2) for treatment? If medication is an option for treatment, addresstwo (2) serious side effects of the medication AND the mechanism of action for each side effectPaper Organization Guide 

 Abstract (250 word)4-6 content pages: Introduction: Origin & Transmission Include: Reasons for picking this topic Etiology Signs & Symptoms Pathogenesis Epidemiology Prevention (vaccine?) Diagnosis Treatment? (any significant side effects from drugs) Summary Include a ‘Novel Disease Control Plan’ for your topic Novel treatments What would you do different from what is presently being done?Hint: “informing the public more” is not an acceptable response! 


A requirement for BIO2070 is to write a scholarly paper that focuses on a course-related medical topic.(Leukemia) The project is organized based upon two parts: medicinal and pathological. The followi
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