Write a minimum of 200 words response to the post below. Reference minimum of 2 articles
“I do not have experience working in a global organization. I work in information technology in the healthcare field, specifically, and there is little opportunity for globalization due to the nature of the field in the United States. Therefore, I investigated Marriott International for this discussion post.
According to several sources, Marriott International has created a training program specific to developing leaders called Voyage Global Leadership Development (D’Sa-Wilson, 2022; Marriott University Programs, n.d.). The program is intended to train external candidates either in school or graduating. The program is 12-18 months long and is offered in over 50 countries (Marriott University Programs, n.d.). The program provides students with exposure to leaders, projects, and global cross collaboration assignments (Marriott University Programs, n.d.).
Without insider details about the program’s content, it can only be inferred that the global aspect of the program allows the organization to train potential employees about global mindsets, cultural differences, global business practices, and global brand marketing. It would be beneficial for the organization to first test candidates’ aptitude, flexibility, and emotional resilience as suggested by Bird & Oddou (2018). Additionally, if there are opportunities throughout the program for feedback from leaders within the organization, candidates may be able to adjust their leadership styles or accommodate specific settings (Sosik et al., 2002). Marriott International has prioritized training potential employees with the leadership styles and skills they would like to see in their leaders. If candidates pass the training period, the organization has a great pool of candidates and can select the best ones to move forward into leadership roles (Marriott University Programs, n.d.). Due to the long program length and immersive experience, Marriott International has focused on training that Bird (2018) has identified as necessary for global leaders such as team building, emotional intelligence, resilience to stress, empowerment, behavioral flexibility, engagement, and motivation. Shorter global leadership programs would not be able to focus so deeply on these topics. This type of program ensures that all, or most, of the leaders hired have had the same training and can adapt as global leaders in the same way. It also provides an excellent trail period to assess whether candidates are the right fit for positions within the organization. This hiring process for leaders is slightly different than organizations that hire candidates only to find out later that they do not possess the skills needed for the position.
Bird, A. (2018). Mapping the content domain of global leadership competencies. In Mendenhall, M. E., Osland, J. S., Bird, A., Oddou, G. R., Stevens, M. J., Maznevski, M. L., & Stahl, G. K. (Eds). Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development (pp.119-142). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Bird, A. & Oddou, G. (2018). Assessing global leadership competencies. In Mendenhall, M. E., Osland, J. S., Bird, A., Oddou, G. R., Stevens, M. J., Maznevski, M. L., & Stahl, G. K. (Eds). Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development (pp.143-175). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
D’Sa-Wilson, M. (2022). 10 companies with exceptional employee development programs. Together. https://www.togetherplatform.com/blog/best-training-and-development-programs
Marriott University Programs (n.d.). Voyage Global Leadership Development Program. Retrieved October 26, 2022. https://university.marriott.com/post-graduates/
Sosik, J.J., Potosky, D. & Jung, D.I. (2002). Adaptive self-regulation meeting others’ expectations of leadership and performance. Journal of Social Psychology, 142(2), 211-232.”