Abdomen Physical Assessment Note
Scholastica Tandongfor
Abdomen Physical Assessment Note
- Inspection
The abdomen is well aligned, with no abnormalities, with normal size and shape with the individual’s body size. There are no notable skin lesions, striae gravidarum, abdominal distention, bulging or swelling around or within the umbilicus, or scarring. There is also no bruising or injury, no overgrowth of body hair, no abnormal color or body discoloration, no venous distention or compression, no erythema, and no growth, masses, or abnormal extensions. The color of the skin is in line with the origin and the ethnic background, there is no yellowing of the skin, and there is normal skin integrity and thickness (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2017). On the eyes, the sclera is white in color with pinkish conjunctiva. There is no tearing of the eyes, reddening, or jaundice
- Auscultation
The four quadrants of the abdomen have normal bowelsoundswith normal intensity and frequency. The aorta, both right and leftfemoralarteries, renalarteries, and iliacarteries have no abnormalvascularsounds. On the liver and the spleen, there are no rubs(Bickley & Szilagyi, 2017). No crackles, rhonchi, rubs, rales, or wheezes on the lungsor the breathsounds.
Percussion:The dominant sound on the abdominal quadrants is tympanic. No dullness or thud-like low sounds are mostly an indication of growth. The liver and the spleen produce a tympanic sound, and on size and length estimation, the liver measures about 7cm on percussion. Moreover, the empty bladder also produced a tympanic sound on percussion due to the looseness of the muscles.
- Palpation:
On palpation, there is no organ swelling or abnormality noted. There is no hepatomegaly, no splenomegaly, or signs of cystitis on palpation. The kidney, bladder, and spleen were not palpable, while the liver was palpable in the upper outer quadrant(Bickley & Szilagyi, 2017). On general palpation, no facial expressions of pain or rebound tenderness indicate no abnormality of the organs. The aortic wideness is about two centimeters and has no masses.
- Special Tests:
- There is no fluid displacement on the Fluid Wave Test. The abdomen is well aligned.
- There is no client reaction to the Cardiovascular tenderness evaluation
- Fluid Wave evaluation: No fluid shift noted; patient’s abdomen is flat. The abdomen is not protruding.
- On Cardiovascular tenderness evaluation, the client did not elicit any abnormal reaction
- There was no pain during inhalation, indicating a negative Murphy’s sign.
- On the Appendicitis test, there were no facial expressions of pain or rebound tenderness(Bickley & Szilagyi, 2017).
Bickley, L. S. & Szilagyi, P.G. (2017). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (12th ed.). Wolters-Kluwer.