Sentiment analysis seeks to determine the general attitude of a writer, given some text they have written. For example, given the movie review “The film was a breath of fresh air” a sentiment analysis program should realize that this is a positive statement about the movie, while the review “It made me want to “poke out my eye balls” expresses a negative opinion. In this project you’ll implement a very simple sentiment analysis system for movie reviews.Learning Objectives:1. Demonstrate reading input from files.2. Practice using dictionaries.3. Explore sentiment analysis.Please read the additional files attached for instructions on how to write the program.Please remember to comment on each function, paragraph of code, or important parts of code (does not have to be every line).
Sentiment analysis seeks to determine the general attitude of a writer, given some text they have written. For example, given the movie review “The film was a breath of fresh air” a sentiment analysis