
Instructions to writer: this is a peer respond, please respond toJeannetteandValonie with a minimum of 150 words to each peer and at least1 academic resource to each peer.


This was the topic to discuss: Discuss the principles of research and evidence-based practice and how to effectively implement them for advanced practice nurses.


Please respond individually to each peer. Must meet the following:


You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.




I need this in APA Style. Thank you!


This’s Jeannette Discussion Post ↓

Discuss the principles of research and evidence-based practice and how to effectively implement them for advanced practice nurses.

Nurses use the principles of evidence-based practice to make optimal decisions about patient care. Evidence based practice is a method by which practitioners across the healthcare professions review and assess the most current, highest-quality research to inform their delivery of care (Ologie, 2022). Advance nurses can make decisions according to evidence-based medicine practice, use these three components best external evidence, individual clinical expertise, patient values and expectations (Ologie, 2022). Best external evidence includes evaluate and implement the most current, clinically relevant, and scientifically sound research (Ologie, 2022). Individual clinical expertise is basically advance nurses personal experience of what has worked and not worked in the clinical practice (Ologie, 2022). Patient values and expectations is nurses considered and value the preferences of individual patients. Levels of evidence in healthcare research can be grouped into four categories according to how credible the information is. These four categories, ranging from the most credible to least, include randomized controlled trials, evidence from cohort, case-control, or observational studies, expert opinions that are supported by experience, studies, or reports, and personal experience (Ologie, 2022). There is a process of implementing evidence-based medicine practice base on health science. This process is five steps in the process of implementing evidence-based medicine practice which is know as the five As. These steps include ask, acquire, appraise, apply, and assess (Ologie, 2022). Ask is simply formulate answerable clinical questions about a patient, problem, intervention, or outcome (Ologie, 2022). Acquire is a search for relevant evidence to answer questions (Ologie, 2022). Appraise determine whether or not the evidence is high-quality and valuable (Ologie, 2022). Apply includes making clinical decisions utilizing the best available evidence. Assess is evaluating the outcome of applying the evidence to the patient’s situation. Sharing your own research and evidence with colleagues will supports the widespread use of evidence-based practice in nursing (Ologie, 2022). This is call disseminate knowledge by communicating the information directly to fellow practitioners, publishing in peer-reviewed journals or professional newsletters, or presenting at conferences (Ologie, 2022). Some healthcare organizations choose to disseminate as a sixth step. What helps advance nurses in clinical field is research studies is identifying strengths and weaknesses need to be clearly identified, supported with a rationale, and documented with current research sources (Gray, 2021). The evaluation step involves examining the credibility, trustworthiness, and meaning of the study according to set criteria (Gray, 2021). EBP is the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. The EBP meets the needs in the delivery of quality, cost-effective health care. Best research evidence is produced by the conduct and synthesis of numerous, high-quality studies in a health-related area to be affect in the clinical setting for advance nurse practitioner.



This’s ValonieDiscussion Post ↓

Research and evidence-based practice principles allow the clinician to find and utilize credible research findings for use in practice. The principles allow for proven safety and efficacy and ensure improved patient results. The principle of research is a cyclical movement that is aimed at gathering information on a specific inquiry by defining the problem, formulating a hypothesis, experimenting using a sound research design, analyzing results with statistical tests, and forming a conclusion (Sutar & Surekha, 2021). The principle of research must be considered when seeking reliable and credible research for use in evidence-based practice. For example, when examining first-line therapy medications, quantitative research may be considered a more substantial level of evidence for medication efficacy and the likelihood of side effects. Similarly, the clinician must be able to understand the research’s reliability and credibility by considering the sample size, sample convenience, length of study, statistical significance, and study limitations. Research with a larger, non-convenient sample size, conducted over a more extended period, can be considered more reliable than one with a limited, convenience sample size.

The principle of evidence-based practice allows for decision-making by critically analyzing the best available resources. The principle calls for the use of critical thinking when making decisions by using the best available evidence from multiple sources with thoughtful considerations made by asking, acquiring, appraising, aggregating, applying, and assessing the concern at hand (Kovner, 2017). This ensures that the problem is translated into a question that can be answered by evidence from research that has been appraised to be credible considering existing limitations and methods of study. The clinician’s appraisal of the research evidence is critical to using the proposed evidence in actual practice. An essential aspect of an appraisal includes identifying study limitations that the researchers do not disclose. The knowledge or answer that is gained from a thorough research of credible studies can then be applied to the current situation with careful consideration of situational nuances.

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) should aim to offer quality patient care by using evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is an important component of improving clinical effectiveness. Evidence-based decision-making is an Institute of Medicine goal that calls for 90 percent of clinical decisions to be supported by accurate and current evidence for clinical information (Lehane et al., 2019). Understanding that using evidence-based practice does not give a magic answer is essential. Decisions are not based on a definite answer but on probabilities, appropriate indications, and tentative conclusions (Kovner, 2017). Although the evidence presented may be helpful, there may be more efficient solutions for the proposed problem. The framework of evidence-based practice calls for clinicians to synthesize their clinical decision-making by using the best available evidence, their expertise, and the patient’s values and circumstances (Zwicker et al., 2020). Therefore, to effectively implement research and evidence-based practice principles, APNs must use their judgment and expertise when applying research information to patient treatment plans. Although evidence supports a treatment plan, the clinician must understand that every patient’s situation is different and distinct variables may affect their outcome.






Peer Respond Discussion 5
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