Lesson Plan
Subject: __________________ Grade Level: ___________________Topic: ____________________________
1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:
(provide the standard and a brief description of it)
EXAMPLE: MAFS.3.OA.1: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. |
2. Learning Target(s):
(What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?) |
· Type in your answer here |
3. Relevance/Rationale:
(Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning?) |
· Type in your answer here. |
4. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success:
(How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lesson’s outcomes look like?) |
· Students will accurately …….
· Students will be able to demonstrate…. |
5. Activities/Tasks:
Here is where you will explain the activity and task at hand thoroughly. |
6. Resources/Materials:
Name all materials needed. |
7. Modifications/Accommodations:
What modifications/accommodations will you provide for students with special needs? |