Answer the Questions
- Regarding the “3. Carbon Dioxide’s Oversized Footprint” graph from the AGU’s selection offive graphs from the recent IPCC assessment (AR6):
- When it comes to climate change, attention is ‘hyperfocused’ on CO2. Using the identified graph, justify or refute the attention given to CO2.
- In Question 1 of Lab 1, Part 3, you identified emissions scenarios for each of your three Part 1 scenarios for [CO2] in 2100. For each of these emissions scenarios, provide a quantitative estimate for the relative impact of CO2 versus Non-CO2 GHGs.
- Based on the results obtained by comparing the impact of CO2 versus Non-CO2 GHGs, is the attention given to CO2 justified?
- State the primary scientific objective of the Kyoto Protocol. (Be certain to state your source(s)).
- Summarize the primary scientific objective of the Paris Agreement. (Be certain to state your source(s)).
- State a primary outcome achieved at COP26 (2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference). (Be certain to state your source(s)).
- Using your own words, distinguish between “net-zero” and “Carbon neutral”. (Be certain to provide your source(s) – e.g.,What’s the Difference Between Carbon Neutral and Net-Zero?). What makes net-zero objectives ‘more aggressive’ than others?
- For the worst-case emissions scenario you identified in Question 1 of Lab 1, Part 3:
- To achieve the net-zero objective by 2050, by how much must annual CO2 emissions be reduced in GtCO2/yr?
- To what extent must reduction through Carbon extraction apply? (Note: Refer to Section 5, “Carbon Extraction”, from the AGU’s selection offive graphs from the recent IPCC assessment (AR6) for additional context.)
- Identify a process for sequestering Carbon. To what extent, if any, has this process been commercialized? (Be certain to state your source(s)).
Answer the Questions Regarding the “3. Carbon Dioxide’s Oversized Footprint” graph from the AGU’s selection offive graphs from the recent IPCC assessment (AR6):When it comes to climate change, atten