
Process Document

Name Pronouns Contact
 Aya Younus  She, Her Aya.alazzawi5@gmail.com


 Aditya Roy  He, Him royad@sheridancollege.ca



 Sana Malik  She, Her  647-333-7995


Chhavi Kalsi  She, her  416-278-5350



Pizza Challenge Objectives

Create and pitch a unique pizza dish for the new SSU pub at the HMC campus. The pizza should:

  •       Exemplify Sheridan’s commitment to creativity by being unique and original in comparison to other pizza options around campus and, more broadly, Mississauga
  •       Affordable so that it appeals to Sheridan students and their budgets
  •       Appeal to Sheridan faculty and staff
  •       Be prototype table in Brandon’s kitchen

And it’d be nice if the pizza could:

  •       Reflect Sheridan’s and Mississauga’s cultural diversity
  •       Attract non-Sheridan customers from Square One

Clarification: The Reception of Pizza Novelty (9 November 2022)

Step 1: Determining Pizza Novelty

We begin the clarification process by establishing what constitutes pizza novelty in the marketplace. To do this, we’re going to analyze a couple of case studies.

Attributes of the Classic Pizza

Briefly outline the key attributes and characteristics of the ‘classic’ pizza. Add additional bullets for each major point.

  • Classic dough (simple dough)
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Pizza sauce

Attributes of Novel Pizza

What are the attributes and characteristics of highly novel pizzas currently in the marketplace? Add more bullet points as appropriate.

  •   Paneer
  •  Coriander
  •  Pickled ginger
  •  Avocado
  • Squid pizza

Resistance to Novelty

What are some common reasons people reject novel pizza dishes (such as pineapple on pizza)? Add more bullet points as appropriate.

  •   People who do not like pineapple on pizza usually say that it’s because it goes against pizza tradition, since most people think that fruit ( tomatoes excluded) does not belong on a pizza over the years, a lot of different meals have gotten a bad rap. Some examples include kale caesar  salads, cake pops, and avocado toast.
  • Some people tend to oppose changes generally including changes meant to improve quality on the basis that the new product does not meet the traditional standards
  • Novelty for some individuals in corrupting the culture that shaped the preparation of the pizza dish. A good example is the Italian pizza where novel pizza that do not have the initial components is highly opposed


Step 2: Vision of Success

The second step in the clarification phase is to create a vision of success. To do this, you’ll imagine visiting the pub at the HMC campus and ordering a pizza dish with your friends. The goal, here, is to imagine the entire customer journey and what role the pizza can play in that journey. For each of the prompts in this section, try to list as many responses as possible.

You are visiting the new pub at the HMC campus with three other classmates. Why might you or other students be excited to share a really novel pizza with friends?

  •  To determine the effect of customer preferences on the product
  • To collect feedback from each individual on the pizza offered
  • Sharing a novel pizza offers an opportunity to evaluate individual’s perception on creativity used in enhancing novelty of products
  • Friends tend to be more open at giving opinions towards a common product making it easier to determine customer feedback on the products.


What might an ideal pizza experience look like? Provide tangible details that describe the entire journey from traveling to the pub to talking about the experience afterwards.

Before visiting the pub:

  • A discussion was raised on the expectations in a novel pizza
  • A brief research is conducted by the group to determine what trends in the market on novel pizza
  • A discussion was made on the expectation in terms of how the pizza should be prepared and the ingredients to be included in a novel pizza

At the pub:

  • looking at the different options of a novel pizza that the pub has to offer
  • Giving opinions and discussing about the pizza flavors and choices
  •  Enjoying the pizza and sharing each others opinion on how it tasted
  • A comparison is made on the actual pizza compared to the expectation each person had before.

After leaving the pub:

  •  Reviewing the pizza and share opinions on how it tasted
  •  The group members convene to reflect on the pizza
  • Each individual is given an opportunity to provide recommendations on improving pizza based on the variations identified
  • An evaluation is made on the recommendations to determine the most viable alternatives and course of action in improving quality of the pizza



Step 3: Clarify Design Attributes

Based upon the research you conducted in steps 1 and 2, what are the key attributes or characteristics of a novel pizza experience? Add more bullet points as relevant.

  • Should be stareable
  • Should have a taste of flavor that is completely unexpected together
  • A novel pizza experience should meet the needs of the target consumer
  • A novel pizza should be prepared in simplicity but with great taste for customers appeal
  • A novel pizza should be easy to identify the ingredients by ensuring the ingredients are well-balanced to maintain the taste



Divergence (16 November 2022)

Ground Rules for Divergent Thinking

Before applying each divergent thinking tool, review the ‘Ground Rules for Divergent Thinking.”

  •       Generate as many ideas as possible
  •       Deliberately seek wild and unusual ideas
  •       Listen carefully to colleagues and build upon their ideas
  •       Only share appropriate ideas
  •       Defer judgement

Brainstorming (Approximately 10 minutes, 20 Ideas Minimum)

Prompt: “What are all the creative ideas for pizza that you can think of?”

1.   Tandoori Fish Pizza

2.   Chocolate Apple Pizza

3.   Paneer sweet grape Pizza

4.   Blueberry Lemon Pizza

5.   Goat Cheese Pizza

6. Broccoli carrot Pizza

7. Pizza with roasted sweet potatoes and chives

8.   Pizza with roasted cauliflower and goat cheese

9.  Pizza with chicken and pineapple

10. Pizza with bacon and blue cheese

11.    Fava Beans Pizza

12.    Salmon cherry pizza

13.    Thai sweet chili pork pizza

14.    Fruit eggplant pizza

15.    Prosciutto and Fig goat cheese pizza

16.    Shrimp scampi pizza

17.    Dill pickle hamburger pizza

18.    Arugula & mushroom breakfast pizza

19.    Chicken caesar pizza

20.    Hummus mushroom lettus pizza

  •  Ice Cream cake pizza
  • Garam Masala pizza
  • Lasagna pizza ( regular pizza topping but layered the way lasagna is )

Hits I (Approximately 5 minutes)


  •       Review the Pizza Challenge Objectives.
  •       Apply those criteria to identify the 5 most promising ideas (i.e. hits) generated while brainstorming.
  •       Each team member can select one ‘hit’.  To do so, simply highlight the relevant ideas.

Metaphoric Thinking (Approximately 15 minutes, 15 ideas minimum)


  •       Select an object or picture entirely unrelated to the challenge.
  •       Think about the object to generate 3-5 associations.
  •       Relate each association back to the Pizza Challenge. Ask, “What ideas does this give me?


Association 1: A slice of pizza What ideas does this give me?

1.        A Slice of pizza can be a quick and easy snack

2.       A slice of pizza can be a fun way to enjoy a meal with friends

3.        A slice of pizza can be a way to satisfy your hunger

4.        A slice of pizza can be a way to take your mind off of things

5.        A slice of pizza can be a way to enjoy a new favor

Association 2: A group of friends gathered around a pizza 6.        Connecting with friends and sharing experience

7.        Creating a positive atmosphere and creating a space to be yourself

8.        Learning new things and expanding your knowledge

9.        Creating memories that will last a lifetime

10.    Getting to know new people and forming new relationship

Association 3: A party 11.    I get to try new pizza flavors

12.    I get to make new friends

13.    I get to compete with friends

14.    I get to learn new pizza making techniques

15.    I get to eat pizza

Association 4: A night out 16.    A sense of accomplishment from completing a difficult task

17.    A sense of community

18.    A sense of fun

19.    A new appreciation for pizza

20.    A new appreciation for friends

Association 5: A delicious meal 21.    A sense of accomplishment after completing a tough challenge

22.    Sharing a moment with friends and family over a delicious pizza

23.    Discovering new toppings that your might not have tried before

24.    Becoming more creative in the kitchen

25.    Having a great time while eating something delicious

Hits 2 (Approximately 5 minutes)


  •       Review the Pizza Challenge Objectives.
  •       Apply those criteria to identify the 5 most promising ideas (i.e. hits) generated while applying Metaphoric Thinking.
  •       Each team member can select one ‘hit’.  To do so, simply highlight the relevant ideas.

Minimalist Thinking (Approximately 10 minutes, 15 ideas minimum)


Minimalist thinking involves eliminating everything that is ultimately unnecessary. Minimalist poetry involves eliminating or cutting every word possible. Minimalist design involves identifying an individual’s basic needs and designing a space around those core needs.

This divergent thinking tool invokes a number of prompts that facilitate minimalist thinking.

Apply the ground rules of divergent thinking to generate as many responses as possible to the minimalist prompts below.

1.     What might a ‘micro’ pizza look like?

2.     A pizza that is smaller in size than a traditional pizza.

3.     A pizza that is made with a smaller variety of toppings.

4.     A pizza that is made with a lower amount of cheese.

5.     A pizza that is made with a thinner crust.

6.     A pizza that is made with a less expensive dough.

If we made a number of very, very small pizzas. What type of dishes could we make, that we couldn’t before?

1.     Grilled cheese

2.     Buffalo chicken dip

3.     Bacon wrapped dates

4.     Garlic knots

5.     Crab dip

What if we cut all the toppings into very, very small pieces? What could we do now that we couldn’t do before?

1.     Use a food processor to chop the toppings into very small pieces.

2.     Use a mandolin to slice the toppings into very thin strips.

3.     Use a sharp knife to chop the toppings into small pieces.

4.     Use a immersion blender to blend the toppings into a smooth consistency.

5.     Use a food processor to mix the toppings together into a new, unique flavor.

What if we made a pizza that emphasized the smallest toppings (oregano, pepper, salt, olive, seasoning, and spices)? What types of pizza could we make if we just focused on novel seasoning and spices?

1. Pesto, olive, and seasoned crust pizza

2. Basil, oregano, and pepperoni pizza

3. Thyme, red pepper flakes, and roasted garlic pizza

4. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and raisins pizza

5. Honey, soy sauce, and sesame seeds pizza


Hits 3 (Approximately 5 minutes)


  •       Review the Pizza Challenge Objectives.
  •       Apply those criteria to identify the 5 most promising ideas (i.e. hits) generated while applying Minimalist Thinking.
  •       Each team member can select one ‘hit’.  To do so, simply highlight the relevant ideas.

Baroque Thinking (Approximately 10 minutes, 10 ideas minimum)

Baroque is an aesthetic that emerged in 17th century Italy and gradually spread across Europe. It is characterized by ornamentation, excessive decoration without repetition, decadence, gold and other rich materials, grandeur, and awe. We’re going to use some Baroque thinking to imagine very novel but potentially excessive ideas for pizza.

Generate as many ideas as possible in response to the following prompts:

What might the most decadent pizza in human history look like?

1.       Saffron

2.        Puffer fish

3.        Saffron

4.       Matsutake mushrooms

5.        Pule (type of cheese)

How might we make a pizza that is ornamental (like a Christmas tree decoration or Fabergé egg)?

6.        Chicken

7.        Mozzarella and cheddar cheese

8.       Stuffed crust

9.        Veggie toppings

10.    Alfredo base sauce


What are all the ideas for an inspirational or awe-inspiring pizza?

11.    Fruit pizza

12.    Honey and beans pizza

13.    Shrimp and guacamole pizza

14.     Fish and tartar sauce pizza

15.    Taco pizza



Hits 4 (Approximately 5 minutes)


  •       Review the Pizza Challenge Objectives.
  •       Apply those criteria to identify the 5 most promising ideas (i.e. hits) generated while applying Baroque Thinking.
  •       Each team member can select one ‘hit’.  To do so, simply highlight the relevant ideas.

Expressionist Thinking (Approximately 15 minutes, 5 ideas minimum)


Expressionism is an aesthetic that, well, uses abstract forms to express a personal and highly subjective emotional or psychological state.Edvard Munch’s The Screamis perhaps the most famous example. We’re going to relate personal stories or anecdotes to pizza to generate ideas. This process is much slower than the others because it involves multiple steps that make abstract and distant associations.

Step 1: Choose an object, person, event, etc. that is important to you.

Our chosen event is the first day at Sheridan. And all about the mixed emotion we had towards it.

Step 2: Reflect upon the thing you selected in step 1. What emotions do you associate with that thing? How does it make you feel?

The first day of school was really something. Overwhelming with the introduction to so many courses and people. Everyone was very different and some people felt like friends instead as we were all on the same boat.

Step 3: Relate those feelings and emotions back to pizza. How might you design a pizza to express those feelings?

  • Blue dough to represent the sheridan label color
  • Marble cheese, representing diversity that we experienced
  • Maple shaped pizza to represent the canadian symbol
  • Ghost Pepper to represents how overwhelming it all is
  • Pineapple representing sweeting beginnings to new friendships


Hits 3 (Approximately 5 minutes)


  •       Review the Pizza Challenge Objectives.
  •       Apply those criteria to identify the 5 most promising ideas (i.e. hits) generated while applying Expressionist Thinking.
  •       Each team member can select one ‘hit’.  To do so, simply highlight the relevant ideas.



Your team should now have applied Hits 5 times to the five different divergent thinking tools for a total of 25 hits. Copy and paste all those previous hits and place them in a list below. Next week, we’ll identify the most promising options and decide which 2-3 ideas to prototype.

  1. Saffron
  2. Matsutake mushrooms
  3. Shrimp and guacamole pizza
  4. Stuffed crust / Stuffed base
  5. Alfredo base sauce
  6. Buffalo chicken dip
  7. Crab dip
  8. Thyme, red pepper flakes, and roasted garlic pizza
  9. Honey, soy sauce, and sesame seeds pizza
  10. Grilled cheese
  11. A slice of pizza can be a fun way to enjoy a meal with friends
  12. Sharing a moment with friends and family over a delicious pizza
  13. Discovering new toppings that your might not have tried before
  14. A new appreciation for pizza
  15.  A sense of community
  16.  Stuff the pizza crust with cheese
  17. Chicken and some spicy spicy sauces to it
  18. Color dough to represent the sheridan label color
  19. Top it off with some sriracha sauce
  20. Maple shaped pizza to represent the canadian symbol
  21. Cake stuffed Pizza
  22. Chicken fresh Pizza
  23. Ghost Pepper to represents how overwhelming it all is
  24. Banana Sweet chili Pizza
  25. Fried Lobster honey dip

Convergence: Decision-Making that Prioritizes Novelty (23 November 2022)

Today’s challenge is to critically analyze and evaluate options generated last week to identify a shortlist of the top 3-5 ideas. The team will then collaboratively decide which top ideas they’ll prototype the following class.

Pizza Challenge Objectives

Before evaluating ideas, it is necessary to review the core objectives.

Create and pitch a unique pizza dish for the new SSU pub at the HMC campus. The pizza should:

  •       Exemplify Sheridan’s commitment to creativity by being unique and original in comparison to other pizza options around campus and, more broadly, Mississauga
  •       Affordable so that it appeals to Sheridan students and their budgets
  •       Appeal to Sheridan faculty and staff
  •       Be prototypeable in Brandon’s kitchen

And it’d be nice if the pizza could:

  •       Reflect Sheridan’s and Mississauga’s cultural diversity
  •       Attract non-Sheridan customers from Square One

Ground Rules for Convergent Thinking

When evaluating ideas, apply the ‘ground rules for convergent thinking.’

  1.       Check objectives.
  2.       Prioritize creativity and keep it alive.
  3.       Be affirmative—transform critiques into new challenges that can be solved.
  4.       Improve ideas.


The team currently has 25 promising ideas. The first challenge is to further reduce that list with the aim of isolating the most creative and high-potential ideas. Apply the ‘ground rules for convergent thinking’ while applying hits, each team member can assign 2 hits. This will leave the team with 10 (or fewer) promising options. Copy and paste the 10 hits here.

  1.   Color dough to represent the sheridan label color
  2.       Honey, soy sauce, and sesame seeds pizza
  3.       Stuffed crust / Stuffed base
  4.       Maple shaped pizza to represent the canadian symbol
  5.       Top it off with some sriracha sauce
  6.       Ghost Pepper to represents how overwhelming it all is
  7.       Matsutake mushrooms
  8.       Shrimp and guacamole pizza
  9.       Sharing a moment with friends and family over a delicious pizza
  10.   Discovering new toppings that your might not have tried before


Targeting is a tool that helps establish how close an idea comes to reaching an idealized state. It is a quick and visual way to assess ideas.

Step 1: Imagine it is the mid-December and the team has just finished a busy fall semester. The team ‘destroyed’ a multi-week innovation challenge earning an A+ and are heading over to the GSU pub for some celebratory pizza. Imagine that visit and what an ideal pizza experience might involve. You can draw upon some of the imaginative work you completed in the clarification phase.

  •       What’s it like reading the menu and ordering the pizza?
  •       How does everyone feel when that pizza arrives at the table?
  •       What is it like to take that first bite?
  •       How does the team share the pizza (or do they share at all)?
  •       How does everyone feel at the end of the meal (are there leftovers?)
  •       What about when the bill arrives?
  •       What might they post on social media throughout the visit?
  •       What might you tell your friends afterwards about the incredible pizza?

Record some rough notes and point-form details below.

·        Easy & exciting 

·        Ready to devour 

·        Satisfying 

·        Each get a slice 

·        Enjoyed in a way that there is no left over.

·        Who’s idea will pay or it 

·        Posting stories with a hashtag 

·        They should definitely try it 




Step 2: The ideal experience the team just imagined is our target. Categorize the top ten pizza ideas in terms of how well that might achieve that ideal state. Have detailed and respectful debate regarding how each idea should be categorized.

Ideal Close Marginal
  • Stuffed crust / Stuffed base
  • Honey, soy sauce, and sesame seeds pizza
  • Ghost Pepper
  • Sharing a moment with friends and family over a delicious pizza
  • Top it off with some sriracha sauce
  • Color dough to represent
  •  Discovering new toppings that your might not have tried before
  • Shrimp and guacamole pizza
  • Matsutake mushrooms
  • Maple shaped pizza

Step 3: Analyze the Target to generate the Final Shortlist. Review the results of the targeting exercise. Based upon your critical conversations, generate your Final Shortlist of the top 5 ideas. If the team can’t reach an agreement through conversation, vote.

Final Shortlist

  1.       Stuffed crust / Stuffed base
  2.       Coloured dough
  3.         Soya Sauce and sesame Seeds
  4.       Shrimp/ Avocado
  5.       Ghost Pepper


Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Matrix involves creating a rubric to evaluate ideas.

Step 1: Review the ground rules for convergent thinking and, importantly, check your objectives.

Step 2: Generate a list of potential evaluation criteria that are informed by the Pizza Challenge’s core objectives.

·        affordable

·        represents Diversity

·        unique

·        Doable

·        Favorite

·        Yummy

·        Baked

·        Appealing

·       Taste

·        Sweet

·        Flavoured

·        Fresh


Step 3: Select the most important and relevant criteria, add them to the table below (blue column). Use your judgement regarding how many criteria to select, you can add additional rows to the evaluation matrix via right click. This is the most important step.


Step 4: Score each idea via the selected criteria. You can score by number, letter, or emojis. Just make sure all the team-members understand the scoring range (1-5, A-D, ? to ?)

  {Stuffed crust/ Base} {Colored dough} {Soya Sauce, Sesame seeds} {shrimp/


{Ghost Pepper}


 3  5  4  3  2
{Taste}  5  3  4  3  3
{Doable}  4  2  5  5  5
{Affordable}  4  4  5  3  2
{Diversity}  3  5  4  5  3
SCORE  19  16  22  19  15


Step 5: Analyze the Evaluation Matrix to identify the top 3 ideas. Do note that the idea with the highest score may not necessarily be the ‘best’ or ‘most promising’ idea. Critically evaluate results because some criteria are more important than others. Record the top three ideas below.

Top 3 Ideas

  1.       Soya Sauce, Sesame seeds
  2.       Stuffed crust/ Base
  3.     Shrimp/ Avocado


Identify which ideas the team will prototype between now and next class. The team should prototype at least two ideas but are welcome to do more if able and motivated.

Prototyping & Collaborative Decision-Making (30 November 2022)

Our goal today is to select the most promising idea that will be pitched for the Pizza Challenge. To do this, the team will apply a POINT analysis to the prototyped pizzas. Applying POINT will help further improve the top ideas and, eventually, inform which final idea to pitch.

When applying POINT remember to take into consideration the entire parameters of the Pizza Challenge (see objectives) and any issues that emerged during the prototyping process.

Pizza Challenge Objectives

Create and pitch a unique pizza dish for the new SSU pub at the HMC campus. The pizza should:

  •       Exemplify Sheridan’s commitment to creativity by being unique and original in comparison to other pizza options around campus and, more broadly, Mississauga
  •       Affordable so that it appeals to Sheridan students and their budgets
  •       Appeal to Sheridan faculty and staff
  •       Be prototypeable in Brandon’s kitchen

And it’d be nice if the pizza could:

  •       Reflect Sheridan’s and Mississauga’s cultural diversity
  •       Attract non-Sheridan customers from Square One

Ground Rules for Convergent Thinking

When evaluating ideas, apply the ‘ground rules for convergent thinking.;

  1.       Check objectives.
  2.       Prioritize creativity and keep it alive.
  3.       Be affirmative—transform critiques into new challenges that can be solved.
  4.       Improve ideas.


POINT is short for Pluses, Opportunities, Issues, &New Thinking.

When applying this tool, it is super important to be affirmative:

  •       The order is important and affirmative. Start with positives (pluses and opportunities).
  •       Use affirmative language. When raising an issue, restate the criticism as a problem that can be solved.

o   NOT: This is too expensive. It’ll never work.

o   BUT: How might we improve the margin? Or, How might we reduce the cost of production? Or, What different sizes can we make to control costs?


Pizza Prototype #1

cheese stuffed base pizza topped off with sesame seeds, shrimps, avocados, and soya sauce (Avocado Shrimp Soya sauce cheese stuffed Pizza).

1. Pluses: What are all the pluses?

·        ingredients mixed together that have never been mixed before

·       diversity of ingredients

·        Burst of different flavors

·    soya sauce will give the pizza a sour  taste

·        good mix of two comfort foods

·        ingredients are easily available

2. Opportunities: Imagine the pizza has been successfully implemented. What new opportunities does this open up?


·        New pizza can be added to the menu  (other restaurant will chose to have it in their menu)


·        Open up to new taste of pizza


·        having new shape added to the pizza


3. Issues: What are all the issues? (Importantly, state each issue as a new problem that can be solved).

·        it doesn’t fit everyone’s taste

·        some people might be allergic to sesame seeds

·        It’s not going to attract the vegetarian consumers

·       hire expert pizza makers to incorporate theses ingredients into the pizza

4. New Thinking: Select the most pertinent issues. For each, conduct a brief brainstorming session to solve the issue and improve the overall idea. Copy and paste issues as appropriate. Keep brainstorming until the issues has (ideally) been addressed or resolved.


Issue One: It’s not going to attract the vegetarian consumers

·       customize the pizza by not adding shrimps to it


Issue Two:   hire expert pizza makers to incorporate these ingredients into the pizza

·       hire expert pizza makers and a give training to the current pizza makers

·        hire a new expert pizza makers who can make this pizza



Pizza Prototype #2:

Coloured dough, differently shaped pizza, with ghost pepper, pineapple

1. Pluses: What are all the pluses?

·        it will specifically attract children because of the colored dough

·        balance of sweet and pizza

·        large size pizza

·        large size pizza at great value



2. Opportunities: Imagine the pizza has been successfully implemented. What new opportunities does this open up?


·        To be recognized as a new pizza in the pizza industry because of the shape and the coloured dough

·        going viral on social media

·        bringing new  taste to the market

3. Issues: What are all the issues? (Importantly, state each issue as a new problem that can be solved).

·       some people might not be able to handle the ghost pepper because of how spicy it is

·    shaping the pizza differently would require experts

·     the pizza will be too spicy for kids

·      huge controversy with pineapple on pizza

·     ghost is not easily available


4. New Thinking: Select the most pertinent issues. For each, conduct a brief brainstorming session to solve the issue and improve the overall idea. Copy and paste issues as appropriate. Keep brainstorming until the issues has (ideally) been addressed or resolved.


Issue One: the pizza will be too spicy for kids

·     Substitute the ghost pepper with regular pepper



Issue Two:   huge controversy with pineapple on pizza

·        substitute pineapple with some other ingredient

·      Customize the pizza by not adding pineapple




Prototype #3: rolled dough sushi pizza, marble cheese, mushrooms, red chili pepper, served with marinara sauce (Sushi Style Pizza with Marinara Sauce)
1. Pluses: What are all the pluses?

·        unique way of serving traditional pizza

·        one serving size

·        eat it with a chopstick

·        dip the pizza in marinara sauce which is served on the side

  • Easily available ingredients
2. Opportunities: Imagine the pizza has been successfully implemented. What new opportunities does this open up?


·       extremely customizable

·     attractable because of the way it can be eaten with a chopstick

3. Issues: What are all the issues? (Importantly, state each issue as a new problem that can be solved).

·        hire expert pizza makers to make the pizza

·        expensive

·        customers might need to wait for the pizza (time consuming)

·        some people might not like the idea of pizza being served as sushi


4. New Thinking: Select the most pertinent issues. For each, conduct a brief brainstorming session to solve the issue and improve the overall idea. Copy and paste issues as appropriate. Keep brainstorming until the issues has (ideally) been addressed or resolved.


Issue One: hire expert pizza makers to make the pizza

·        higher expert pizza makers who can train current pizza makers

·        hire a new pizza maker who can specifically work on this pizza



Issue Two: customers might need to wait for the pizza (time consuming)

·        the can keep the customers busy with starters

·        over time its going to be less time consuming





Final Decision

Analysis all the POINTs to determine which pizza to pitch for the Pizza Challenge.

Pizza name: Sushi Style Pizza with Marinara Sauce

Description of pizza and/or recipe: rolled dough pizza, marble cheese, mushrooms, red chili pepper, served with marinara sauce

Justification (why was it chosen): Unique to the market and will drive the business in a successful way. Moreover its affordable for everyone and caters to the needs of vegetarian and non-vegetarians





Formative Reflection
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