1., I have learned a lot during my nursing journey at Rasmussen. I have learned to pay attention to details, from observing the patient, not just to what they share with us, but to pay attention the moment we walk into their room. The moment we start our initial interview with patients is the moment we start observing them and do a thorough assessment of their mental status, their mood, the way they communicate, their skin conditions, whether they can move all their extremities, they are having difficulty breathing; these are the things that I learned to pay attention as we conduct our first interview with time. It is essential that nurses can pay attention to small details; some patients are reluctant to share information until they become comfortable. I learned to build a relationship with the patients, to advocate for them, to ensure that we provide the best quality care they deserve, not to be judgemental, to be their voice, and to ensure their safety at all times. Being a nurse is very rewarding because knowing that we can make a difference in people’s lives is a great feeling. In addition, we have to practice what we preach. We can’t expect our patients to follow what we teach them if we don’t care for our health. Some of the strategies I plan to implement are to ensure I take breaks and don’t overwork myself. Since nursing can be very emotional drainage and quickly burn us out, I will ensure that I don’t get attached to my patients. I will ensure I get adequate rest and sleep, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, and take care of my mental health and spiritual well-being. Lastly, I want to experience working in the Emergency department and gain more experience and skills.
I have learned a lot during this program to become a Registered nurse. There were a lot of challenges throughout this program, but all the challenges lead to more confidence, dedication, professionalism, and the importance of teamwork. My Nursing education will increase in terms of building upon skills and knowledge throughout my nursing career to enable me to produce the best care possible for my patients. The unit that I would like to work in is on the med-surge unit. Working on this unit will allow me to put my skills to use and provide amazing care to the patients all while working with more experienced nurses and gaining more experience and knowledge. Things that I plan to implement include not over working my self to the point of burn out. getting the proper rest and nutrition that I need, exercising regularly and just putting in some me time somehow. My current job at this moment is to study and finish off the program strong and head to N-CLEX. Once I pass N-clex, I know that a lot of doors will open for me. I plan to gain all the experience I can, to be the best nurse that I can be.