Human beings have an innate need to belong. To belong, people must establish and maintain a minimum quantity of enduring relationships. Imagine you are on a team of amateur entrepreneurs developing a new product. A television producer has invited you to pitch your idea in front of a group of investors on an exciting, competitive game show. The winning team will receive a prize of investment capital and a chance to make a real change in people’s lives.
- Outline what the product or service is and how it can help society.
- Summarize the overall goal of the product or service.
- Describe the characteristics of your target audience demographic.
- Create a vision in the investors’ minds so they can imagine the services provided and the user experience.
- Discuss how you can sell this product through the power of one’s needs to belong.
- Determine whether your product creates any social dilemmas.
- Differentiate your product using what you know about how people interact and socially engage (pro proximity, mere exposure effect, evolution, attraction, need to belong).
- Illustrate the connection between your idea and social psychology concepts and theories.
- Include additional concepts learned throughout the course.
The Need to Belong