Instructions Remote Meetings For this assignment, please view the Unit VI Mock Meeting . A PDF version of the Mock Meeting is also available.
After watching this remote meeting, write a two-page paper that addresses the following:
- Identify noisemakers in the video. Be specific as to the character’s actions or dialogue in the mock online meeting.
- Discuss at least two communication barriers that facilitators may face when conducting a virtual meeting. Your response can pertain to the mock meeting or be generalized.
- Explain how virtual meeting facilitators may overcome communication challenges. Your response can pertain to the mock meeting or be generalized.
This assignment should be at least two pages in length. No APA formatting is required for this assignment. Helpful Hint: Review the Unit I Study Guide to help you identify specific noisemakers and communication barriers that may be included in the is remote meeting.
Instructions Remote Meetings For this assignment, please view the Unit VI Mock Meeting . A PDF version of the Mock Meeting is also available. After watching this remote meeting, write a two-page pap