Assignment overview
The purpose of this project is to continue the work from CLP1 & SMART goals as it relates to competency development. You will demonstrate your development of an Undergraduate Competency and share this learning using the Gibbs Reflective Learning Cycle. Unlike content or knowledge development, competency development is about change in behaviour. Through your UGC Assessment in the pre-work you will identify which competency has the opportunity for development and work with your professor to develop a S.M.A.R.T. goal that will explain what competency you are developing.
There are 4deliverables associated with this assignment worth a combined value of 25% of your final grade, each with their own rubric:
- 1 – UGC Development – Discussion Board Posting #1 (5%)
- 2 – UGC Development –Development Plan(4%)
- 3 – UGC Development – Update (4%)
- 4 – UGC Development – Presentation(12%)
Identifying your goal: in addition to your assessment, think about:
- Look at your work placement (co-op) or workplace feedback, is there an area that was identified for improvement?
- Is there something outside your educational discipline (HR, Supply Chain, Marketing, Finance, Accounting) that you are curious about and would like to learn more about?
- Do you have any development goals from CLP1 that you would like to enhance or revisit?
Duration of the project
- See SLATE for due dates. Therefore you will have 7-8 weeks to develop this competency
- Note: Development of Leadership & Communication competencies are exempt from this assignment
1 – UGC Development – Discussion Board Posting #1 (5%)
Based on your Undergraduate Competency (UGC) Assessment or feedback received in the workplace, identify the focus of your development project. Explain why it’s important to you.
Provide feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their goal.
Submission type: Posting on Discussion board
Based on the exercise (pre-work) you did assessing your Undergraduate Competencies answer the following questions about your Development Project on the discussion board:
- What competencyand specific behaviour(s) are you working on for this project (for example: Initiative: Have a stretch goals and act on them)?
- How will you demonstrate that you have developed this competency? (your project)
- Explain why you want to develop the competency/sub-competency (specific behaviours)and how you think that this project will stretch your abilities?
- What information (research) do you still need to be successful in your development journey?
- Identify 1-2 research questions that will help you better understand your development of this competency
- Write a draftM.A.R.T. goal for your competency development. Remember, a S.M.A.R.T. goal should be a single sentence. (Refresher resources are available on SLATE).
NOTE: this assignment is about demonstrating your ability to develop the competency, not the details of the project.
Applying your Written Communicationcompetency, provide feedback to 2 other students on their posts. Your goal is to help them improve their plan, be sure to give them specific ideas on how to do that. Feedback that is kind will not suffice.
Important note regarding Discussion Board Deliverables:
- Unlike the other assignments, this assignment will not be accepted past the posted due date because of its dependency on other student deliverables
- Approval from your professor must be obtained before moving forward
- Development of Leadership & Communication competencies are exempt from this assignment
Undergraduate Competency Development
Area |
Level 1: Beginning
0-49% |
Level 2: Developing
50-70% |
Level 3: Accomplished
71-80% |
Level 4: Advanced
81-100% |
Discussion Board Posting | · Limited or no reflection on questions posed
· Limited reflection on questions posed.
· S.M.A.R.T goal incomplete
· Satisfactory reflection on questions posed.
· SMART component missing |
· Robust reflection on questions posed
· S.M.A.R.T components are complete in communicating the goal. |
0 | 1.75 | 2 | 2.5 | |
Providing Feedback on Discussion Posting | · Feedback was not provided | · Feedback provided in 1 post
· Feedback was constructive to enhance the goal |
· Satisfactory feedback provided in 2 posts.
· Feedback was constructive to enhance the goal |
· Robust feedback provided to 2 peers.
· Feedback was constructive to enhance the goal.
0 | 1.75 | 2 | 2.5 |
2 – UGC Development – Plan (4%)
This is your plan to develop the Undergraduate Competency which includes a final S.M.A.R.T. goal with your weekly plan/approach. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Submission type: Document submission through SLATE drop box for A & B see SLATE for due dates
Building on the exercise you did in posting #1 and incorporating the feedback from your peers, answer the following questions about your UGC Development Project. If you prefer to use a template, one is available in the Content à Assignment folder on SLATE. Important note regarding your goal: Approval from your professor must be obtained before moving forward
- What competency and specific behaviour(s) are you working on developing for this project:
- Competency
- Specific behaviour(s)
- What is your final S.M.A.R.T goal?
- What does success look like? (visualise the final goal)
- How will you be able to demonstrate you have developed this competency?(behavioural measure)
- What evidence would you like to provide that shows your development? (evidence)
- How will you record and measure your progress? Be specific.
- Breakdown a plan of weekly activities and/or goals (feel free to attach an additional file if necessary)
- Sample headings included below, feel free to use your own format. Your plan should include 8 weeks of planning
Week | Expected progress | Resources | Notes |
- Identify any obstacles that may make it difficult for you to achieve this goal
- Complete Horne-Ostberg Morning-Eveningness Questionnaire to understand you circadian rhythm type.
- What did you learn about yourself from that assessment that will impact your UGC Development project?
- From your research questions in post #1, provide 2 references you have used in research for this project (APA format)
- A reflection about the role that you would like other people to have in your project (example: support, guidance, coaching…)
Area |
Level 1: Beginning
0-49% |
Level 2: Developing
50-70% |
Level 3: Accomplished
71-80% |
Level 4: Advanced
81-100% |
Discussion Board Posting | Plan is missing critical information
Limited response on 7 questions
Satisfactory reflection on the 7 questions posted. Answers are high level and are missing detailed descriptions or critical thinking | Robust and thought out plan address all 7 questions demonstrates critical thinking and includes detailed descriptions |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
3- UGC Development – Update (4%)
- What competency and specific behaviour(s) are you working on developing for this project:
- Competency
- Specific behaviour(s)
- What is your S.M.A.R.T goal?
- Provide an update on your progress (tip: use the plan from your last submission)
- What is the overall status?
- Are there changes you will be making to your plan? Why or why not?
- Reflection of your progress: (200-400 words)
- What are you most proud of at this point in your development project?
- What challenges are you facing and how will you be using your mind-set & grit to overcome these challenges? (it may be helpful to look back at your CLP content)
- Include a evidence (photo) of your progress with a brief description (no more than 250 words).
Future assignment tip à UGC Development Project
· Incorporate your self-assessment and the impact it had on your development journey · An update on what happen with your initial plan and how you progressed against it (weekly activities & goals to reality). What happen and why? · Remember the audience of the final audience of your CLP, it’s not your professor, it could be someone in industry. Set the tone accordingly. Example: “In CLP1my strengths finders was…” vs “through a professional assessment, I discovered my strengths…” |
Undergraduate Competency Development
This assignment has intentional elements to support the continued development of the following Undergraduate Competencies: |
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving | X | Collaboration & Leadership | Agility & Adaptability | Initiative & Entrepreneurship | X | ||
Oral & Written Communication | X | Accessing & Analyzing Information | X | Curiosity & Imagination | X | Technology
(MS Office Tools) |
Area |
Level 1: Beginning
0-49% |
Level 2: Developing
50-70% |
Level 3: Accomplished
71-80% |
Level 4: Advanced
81-100% |
Discussion Board Posting | Update is missing critical information
Limited response on 5 questions
Satisfactory reflection on the questions posted. Answers are high level and are missing detailed descriptions or critical thinking | Robust and thorough update address all questions demonstrates critical thinking and includes detailed descriptions |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
4 – UGC Development – Presentation (12%)
Once your goal has approved, you will work towards the development of your S.M.A.R.T. goal over many weeks. Presentations will link what you did for the project (e.g.: Learned Adobe Illustrator to create…) to the development of the identified Undergraduate Competency (e.g.Curiosity – be inquisitive and try to learn about things that are new to me).
Submission type:
Part A: link to your video submitted in the SLATE dropbox
Undergraduate Competency Development Video:
- 3-minute video presentation submitted in the SLATE drop box
- The URL for your presentation (You can post on YouTube and delete it from at the end of the semester)
- Includes application of the Gibb Reflective Learning Cycle and relevant research and references
- Evidence of your development must be included. Missing evidence of development will result in a deduction of 15%
Important note regarding your presentation:
- Unlike the other assignments, this assignment will not be accepted past the posted due date because of its dependency on other student deliverables
- Plan ahead – technical challenges will arise, be prepared and ensure you have the appropriate time to address any challenges that may arise.
Future assignment tip:
· Remember to include this on your final CLP. Include an opening paragraph to introduce your video. |
Area | Level 1: | Level 2: | Level 3: | Level 4: |
Level of Reflection Demonstrated
(Part A) |
· Reflection is minimal
· No personalization and connections with other concepts · Missing link to the development of the Undergraduate Competency · Missing connection to research and the development of the competency · Missing application of theGibbsreflection model · Missing evidence of development and has a critical analysis to the original plan created |
Missing on or more of the following components:
· personalized and makes connections with other concepts discussed · linked to the development of the Undergraduate Competency · demonstrates research of content to development of the competency · application of theGibbsreflection model · evidence of development and has a critical analysis to the original plan created |
Advanced reflection that demonstrates:
· personalized and makes connections with other concepts discussed · linked to the development of the Undergraduate Competency · research of content to development of the competency · application of theGibbsreflection model · evidence of development and has a critical analysis to the original plan created |
Robust reflection that demonstrated:
· personalizedand makes connections with other concepts discussed (example: Learning Styles) · linked to the developmentof the Undergraduate Competency · researchof content to development of the competency · application of theGibbs reflection model · evidenceof development and has a critical analysis to the original plancreated |
0 – 5 | 7 | 8 | 10 | |
Quality of Presentation
(Part A) |
· The overall visual message is inappropriate for a professional environment
· The organization of the presentation did not contribute to a consistent message · Repeated errors in grammar, spelling and word usage distracted greatly from the presentation · Voice is mumbling or too low, pronunciation is incorrect · Difficult to understand what is being said · Presentation exceeds 3 minutes =/- 10%
· The overall visual message met the minimum requirements for a professional environment
· The organization of the presentation was confusing at times · Repeated errors in grammar, spelling and word usage distracted from the presentation · Voice added some quality to the presentation however there was either some mumbling or too low, or pronunciation is incorrect · Generally able to understand what is being said · APA referencing missing
· The overall visual message was appropriate for a professional environment
· The organization of the presentation was appropriate for a professional environment, but was quite traditional · Limited errors in grammar, spelling and word usage · Voice added quality to the presentation in both volume and clarity · Easy to understand what is being said
· The overall visual message was creative, compelling and appropriate for a professional environment
· The organization of the presentation was creative, and appropriate for a professional environment, · No errors in grammar, spelling and word usage · Voice was used in a compelling manner that introduced enthusiasm and energy to the presentation · Easy to understand what is being said |
.5 | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | |
® Evidence of development must be included, failure to do so will result in a deduction of 15%
® Data Integrity & File Management: It is critical to ensure that you are submitting the right file, in the right folder at the right time. This is a professional expectation in industry, second chances will not be provided. |
Undergraduate Competency Development
This assignment has intentional elements to support the continued development of the following Undergraduate Competencies:
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving | X | Collaboration & Leadership | X | Agility & Adaptability | X | Initiative & Entrepreneurship | X |
Oral & Written Communication | X | Accessing & Analyzing Information | X | Curiosity & Imagination | X | Technology
(MS Office Tools) |
X |