Class: Interdisciplinary Studies (which is also my major)
Little bit about me. I attend ECSU. I am a football player. This is my third year in college. I transferred from ECU to ECSU last year. Born and raised in Elizabeth City NC. I want to be a football and basketball coach after receiving my degree.
In this assignment, I’d like you to reflect on your life as a thinker and learner. Throughout this semester I will be asking you to represent the viewpoints of your disciplines (and the integration of those disciplines into an interdisciplinary perspective). This is an opportunity for you to reflect on the events and circumstances that brought you to choose (at least tentatively) a framework for your degree and to help others understand why you find your discipline a compelling framework for understanding the world.
select what is most important for your ultimate aim—and for the purposes of this assignment, your aim is to tell a story with a particular message. The message you want to tell is that you have had a life that inclines you toward a certain disciplinary view of the world. Accordingly, you will probably need to stress the following
Your background (as much or as little as you wish to share)
Your intellectual journey before/to Interdisciplinary Studies
Key events, situations, people/influence in your life that lead to your disciplinary/interdisciplinary interests
What is it exactly that interests you about your disciplines (be sure to be as specific as possible and include specific concepts, topics, methods, or perspectives of interest)
Your values, skills, and strengths (and if relevant, weaknesses)
Why you chose Interdisciplinary Studies, how it has changed your view of yourself, of others, and of the world
How you think Interdisciplinary Studies will help serve your academic and professional goals