Scripting :
This week’s Lab is:
1. We are baking brownies! We have a recipe which calls for the following ingredients:
o 0.5 cups butter
o 2 eggs
o 1 teaspoon vanilla
o 1 cup sugar
o 0.5 cups flour
o 0.5 cups cocoa powder
o 0.25 teaspoons baking powder
o 0.25 teaspoons salt
The ingredients in this recipe will make 9 brownies. Write a program which asks the user how many brownies they wish to bake, then displays the adjusted recipe with the correct amounts for making that number of brownies. Don’t worry about converting teaspoons to cups (etc) – just display the amounts in their original measurements.
You are to:
1. Work through this Lab on your own (no peer help on this one!)
2. Submit your own completed Lab file(s) here (click the link above)
3. Leverage as many tools, functions and methods as covered in this lessons reading!