There are specific guidelines for what to include in this discussion: “Predict, explain, summarize, evaluate.” That means you should make a prediction on the themes, readings, or make a reading connection to our course goals or another outside issue that you find relevant in a paragraph or two. Explain and summarize the prediction in a second paragraph. Back it up with something from the reading. Do not copy text. If you paraphrase ideas you still must cite the information.
profesor instructions
Make the connection and put into perspective in your own works but back it up with the readings.
Guidelines: predict, explain, summarize and evaluate the readings.
:Guidelines: predict, explain, summarize and evaluate the readings.
Just in two paragraphs?
Make the connection to the class themes from the PowerPoint we went over
reading information
Readings week 3Readings week 3
Watson “Tales from the City of the Dead”
Bitek “A Chronology of Compassion”
Shibboleth Authentication Request
Watson “Mechanics of Mate Selection”