The article analysis should include these follow elements:
- Executive summary – What are the key points of the journal:
- Thesis/Purpose – What is the article trying to achieve? What is the articles main point?
- Who is the Audience?
- Who is the article written for:
- How does that influence how the article is written?
- Methodology:
- How is the Thesis/Purpose of the article achieved?
- What evidence is offered?
- How was the information gathered?
- Survey?
- Research?
- Database Mining?
- Real life experience?
- How was the information/data analyzed
- Content Analysis
- Statistical Analysis
- Narrative
- How is the Thesis/Purpose of the article achieved?
- Relevance:
- If you were a public administrator how would you use the information?
- Would it help you identify a problem?
- Would help you select a policy option?
- Would it help you implement a policy option?
- Would it help you evaluate a policy?
- If you were a public administrator how would you use the information?