Vibration of a vehicle passing a speed bump, there can be many variations when it comes to this calculus formula as there are many different factors to take into account such as the vehicles shocks(suspension), the vehicle’s tires as some have vibration dampening such as the tesla tires, and finally the road what I mean by the road is how smooth is the speed bump or how tall it is, or the speed bump is a rubber speed bump. The most basic equation I found is a basic equation that models a rubber speed bump as the speed bump has elasticity in it, which makes the vibrations dampen out more. The equation I found is, . H is the speed bump in which how elastic it is. P is the vertical force.
is the displacement of the elasticity vertically. If you guys have any more questions, please let me know; I am happy to dig deeper for you all!
Generation of ground vibrations by vehicles crossing flexible speed … (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283083108_Generation_of_ground_vibrations_by_vehicles_crossing_flexible_speed_bumps_Proc_IOA_2015_372_178-185