Name Quiz
Video link of Demo below
C:\Users\User\Documents\Zoom\2023-02-19 15.32.55 Nikkie Ramsey’s Zoom Meeting
- Aggravated assault is the most reported crime in America.
- True
- False
- Biological theories of violent behavior proposes that________.
- Violent behavior is notinnate.
- Violent behavior is learnt.
- None of these
- Human beings are naturally born with violent behaviors.
- Which type of personality is associated with impatience, hostile aggression, and impatience?
- None of these
- Narcissistic
- Type A
- Psychopathic
- Egocentric
- Many theorist have formulated different reasons that make people aggress. Most theories are interlinked, and one adopt violent behavior. In not less than 1000 words, discuss three most relevant theories and explain how a violent individual can be as a result of multiple theories.
- What is your feedback on the instruction mode, please provide the weakness and strengths?
Teaching Demo