Study question 2
Study questions require:
(1) A length of at least 750 words, excluding the prompts
(2) Three citations of assigned or suggested materials via parenthetical citations
(3) A reference page (“Works Cited” page) providing information about works cited. APA format must be used for citations and references
(4) No citations of, or references to, outside sources and Power Points (for this assignment, you can cite PowerPoints on Part A)
(5) A brief, one-page outline of your answers. The outline should be submitted before the study questions answers.
If you have any questions, email me. In class I reviewed two strong papers and provided an overview of what is required for parenthetical citations and references. If you need that other information or other helpful materials, feel free to review Study Question Materials. Note that you can use all of the materials in Supplemental Materials except the two PowerPoint lectures.
- (35 points) Globalization is a troublesome issue, particularly because it forces human beings to reflect on partiality. Define partiality and describe two positions that could be seen as extremes regarding partiality and impartiality. In discussing partiality and impartiality, present and defend your view. Explain your view either with an example related to globalization or contrast your approach with the extreme views.
- (30 points) Peter Singer provides an argument that presents how impartiality is related to globalization. Here’s his argument for a duty to aid:
1) Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care is bad.
2) If it is in our power to prevent something [very] bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it.
3) It is easily within our power to prevent suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care.
4) Therefore, we ought to aid those who are suffering and dying from a lack of food, shelter, and medical care.
Begin by analyzing this argument as we have done before: identify the premises and conclusion, and consider whether the argument is valid and/or sound. Based upon your analysis, do either I or II:
- I) If you think the argument is invalid and unsound, revise the argument so that it is both valid and sound, and note whether your revision, done to the best of your ability, has any drawbacks (i.e. it contains radical alterations, may still be invalid or unsound, etc.).
- II) If you think this is a good argument (that is, valid and sound), then consider which premise is most vulnerable to rejection and discuss how you think Singer should defend it.
- (35 points) Disagreement and globalization are interrelated in a number of troublesome ways. Identify how one problem where disagreement and globalization intersect—considering an example if useful to make your point. After laying out the problematic intersection of these issues, consider if one of the readings we have discussed would aggravate or alleviate the conflict you identified in the intersection of disagreement and globalization.