Format: Black font; 12-point font; double-spaced. Place your full name at
the top of the first page or on a cover sheet.
Each answer should be approximately 200-300 words. The entire midterm
should be 800-1200 words.
For help understanding what I mean by “meaning and significance,” see
the slide on this subject that I have shown in class and posted on the
course website in the same module that contains the syllabus.
Each answer should include:
1.Reference (of course) to the author most associated with concept
or term;
2.At least one reference, with a citation, to another assigned author,
for the purpose of contrast and/or comparison
3.Total of three to five correct citations to the relevant assigned
reading(s), with specific page numbers; citations can be appended to
quotations or paraphrasing;
Citations, Reference List Forma
1.Use the author-date system, with page numbers, as described here
on this webpage:
2.Include a reference list at the end of the midterm, using the same
model linked above.
1.Explain the meaning and significance of the “second principle of
– Rawls-T-of-J-Excerpts-Sections-from-Chs.-1-3.pdf
2.Explain the meaning and significance of “coercion.”
– OPTIONAL: Lichtenstein-Retail-Revolution-Ch.-5-Unions-Keep-Out.pdf
3.Explain the meaning and significance of “social citizenship.”
– Marshall_Citzenship_and_Social_Class.pdf
4.Explain the meaning and significance of “the privileged position of
– Lindblom-Politics-Markets-Ch.-Privileged-Position-Business.pdf