part 1
Goal: To contextualize IT-dependent changes in the nature of work to a specific profession or job
Format: Fill at least two rows in this temple(attached), with examples of changes Instructions: Choose one of the following two:
- Consider how IT has changed how your job was performed. Digital innovation happens quickly so feel free to choose any time span that you are comfortable with to answer this question. In what ways has IT changed your job? Discuss using this temple(named “part 1” attached)
- Even traditionally high-touch jobs can undergo major changes. Consider, for instance, the impact that IT had on the restaurant and hospitality industry (one example is provided in the video below). Based on your experience, in what ways do you think that IT has changed the nature of the restaurant industry, for example from the perspective of a restaurant manager? Try to bring examples by thinking about what digital resources can create a competitive advantage in the restaurant industry (e.g., what technologies are involved?). Discuss using this temple(named “part1” attached)
Part 2
Goal: To assess whether an IT-enabled initiative can generate sustainable value Format: Use this template (named “part 2” attached) to assess whether IT assets and capabilities creates sustainable value
- Read the mini-case on page 56 “Amazon Go: How far can it go?”(on the pdf textbook)
- Use the template (named “part 2” attached) to answer question #3 “Which of the four barriers to competition are positioned to help Amazon Go? Describe how.” The sustainability factors are summarized
part 3
Format: Use this temple on attached file named “part 3” to apply TAM
Goal: Apply TAM to show how managers can win employees’ resistance towards an information system
- Think about a new system that has been implemented at work. If you are unemployed or have not experienced any new system implementation, read the article Today’s Awkward Zoom Classes Could Bring a New Era of Higher Education Links to an external site..
- Apply the technology acceptance model (TAM) to explain how to increase intention to use. Describe (using examples) how every variable (e.g., individual differences, ease of use) may increase/decrease intention to use. How would you advise leveraging those drivers to increase intention to use?
- refer to Page 101, Technology Acceptance Model on the pdf textbook
part 4 (use the pdf named “the innovators dan mastering the five of disruptive innovator”)
- Tell me about the networking differences that discovery and delivery driven executives use with the specific definition for networking from this course .
2. Now provide an interpretation of your discovery skill score range and what this means for you for the networking and experimenting skills specifically? You completed the self assessment Discovery and Delivery Skills – What’s Your Profile located in your book in Chapter 1 pgs. 38-40 during week one return to that assessment to answer #2
3. What tips and techniques can you apply to practice and develop your networking and experimenting skills use textbook and the articles from the course – cite your sources
Cite the sources of the content that you are using in the body of your initial response and provide the reference for the citations used at the end of your response