This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come Introduction |
15 pts
Excellent introduction of the purpose of the paper. Includes a discussion of the DNP prepared nurse’s role in theory, research, and scholarship as well as the role of collaboration, cultural competence, and AACN standards. Thesis statement with a summary of what will be explored in the paper is well developed.
13 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Good introduction of the role of a DNP prepared nurse in theory, scholarship, and research. Purpose and Rationale are presented.
12 pts
Basic introduction of the role of a DNP prepared nurse in theory, scholarship, and research. Emphasis needs some redirection.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Little or very general introduction of the role of a DNP prepared nurse in theory, scholarship, and research. Poor explanation or inappropriate emphasis in an area.
0 pts
No introduction of the role of a DNP prepared nurse in theory, scholarship, and research.
15 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come The DNP Role in Nursing Theory |
30 pts
Provides information about the role of a DNP prepared nurse as it applies to theory. References to scholarly inquiry and the text book are provided. Applications to current practice are evident. Discussion includes AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as they apply to theory in DNP practice.
26 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Provided some information regarding the role of a DNP prepared nurse as it applies to theory. References to scholarly inquiry and the text book are provided. Applications to current practice are evident. Discussion includes AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as they apply to theory in DNP practice.
24 pts
Provided information that was not specific to the doctoral prepared nurse regarding theory. Some discussion of AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as it applies to theory.
11 pts
Needs Improvement
Lacking detailed information regarding the doctoral prepared nurse role in theory. Missing information regarding AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as it applies to theory.
0 pts
Did not provide information regarding the doctoral prepared nurse role in theory. Did not provide information regarding AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence.
30 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come The DNP as a Researcher |
20 pts
Provides information about the role of a DNP prepared nurse as it applies to research. References to scholarly inquiry and the text book are provided. Applications to current practice are evident. Discussion includes AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as they apply to research in DNP practice.
18 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Provided some information regarding the role of a DNP prepared nurse as it applies to research. References to scholarly inquiry and the text book are provided. Applications to current practice are evident. Discussion includes AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as they apply to research in DNP practice.
16 pts
Provided information that was not specific to the doctoral prepared nurse regarding research. Some discussion of AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as it applies to research.
8 pts
Needs Improvement
Lacking detailed information regarding the doctoral prepared nurse role in research. Missing information regarding AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as it applies to research.
0 pts
Did not provide information regarding the doctoral prepared nurse role in research. Did not provide information regarding AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence.
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come The DNP as a Scholar |
20 pts
Provides information about the role of a DNP prepared nurse as it applies to scholarship. References to scholarly inquiry and the text book are provided. Applications to current practice are evident. Discussion includes AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as they apply to scholarship in DNP practice.
18 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Provided some information regarding the role of a DNP prepared nurse as it applies to scholarship. References to scholarly inquiry and the text book are provided. Applications to current practice are evident. Discussion includes AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as they apply to scholarship in DNP practice.
16 pts
Provided information that was not specific to the doctoral prepared nurse regarding scholarship. Some discussion of AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as it applies to scholarship.
8 pts
Needs Improvement
Lacking detailed information regarding the doctoral prepared nurse role in scholarship. Missing information regarding AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence as it applies to scholarship.
0 pts
Did not provide information regarding the doctoral prepared nurse role in scholarship. Did not provide information regarding AACN standards, collaboration, and cultural competence.
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come Integration of Concepts |
30 pts
Obvious integration of concepts including cultural competence and collaboration in theory, research, and scholarship as it pertains to the DNP role. The use of scholarly references and the text book are evident in supporting this information. In addition, information about the AACN DNP Essentials are included. These concepts are discussed throughout the paper as they apply to DNP practice of theory, research, and scholarship.
26 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Detailed information is provided. One to two elements are missing.
24 pts
Moderately detailed information is provided. Three key elements are missing.
11 pts
Needs Improvement
Minimal detail is provided. Four or more essential elements are missing.
0 pts
Inaccurate or vague information is provided. No synthesis of concepts seen throughout the paper.
30 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come Conclusion |
15 pts
Provided excellent conclusion is clear and concise. The purpose of the paper is made clear. Major details are summarized with minor details left out. The most important components of the role of a DNP prepared nurse in theory, research and scholarship are summarized.
13 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Good summary of DNP Role. Evidence is used to support clear and well developed conclusions.
12 pts
Basic summary of DNP Role.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Little summary provided of DNP Role. Emphasis on the wrong area is provided.
0 pts
No conclusion or summary of DNP Role.
15 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come Clarity of Writing |
15 pts
Writing is relevant to the topic and is presented logically and clearly using standard English language. Direct course applications and synthesis of scholarly information is easily discernable. Word choice is correct, precise and unambiguous. Sentence structure is clear, concise and well- constructed. No grammatical or typographical errors.
13 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Writing is relevant to the topic but is unclear at times. Writing is presented logically using standard English language. Direct course applications and synthesis of scholarly information is easily discernable. Postings contain minimal grammatical or typographical errors.
12 pts
Writing may lack some logic or clarity but is overall discernable. May also lack relevance to the topic. Four to five grammatical or typographical errors are noted.
6 pts
Needs Improvement
Most of writing lacks a logical and clear approach. Relevance to the topic is difficult to discern. Six or more grammatical or typographical errors are noted.
0 pts
All writing lack clarity and relevance to the topic. Postings contain greater than ten errors in syntax, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation (>ten errors).
15 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come APA Format |
5 pts
APA rules regarding level headings, page/paragraph format, and citations in the body of the paper adhere to APA format as well as references noted at the end of the paper (no more than one to two errors). No more than 25% of your paper should be direct quotes.
4 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Paper adheres to APA format including in text citations, page format, level headings, as well as references noted in the reference page (three to four errors).
3 pts
Paper over all does not adhere to APA format including in text citations, page format, level headings, as well as references noted in the reference page (four to five errors).
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Paper over all does not adhere to APA format including in text citations, page format, level headings, as well as references noted in the reference page (>eight errors).
0 pts
Paper does not adhere to APA format on multiple levels, exceeding previously stated standards.
5 pts |
Total Points: 150 |