Details for Section I–Internal Strengths: In preparing this section, you will outline the four major elements of the management process and demonstrate how each function is related to a strength in the company. For this first section specifically, you will outline evidence for strong points (strengths) in the following components.
- Leading: a brief discussion with a “positive ”evaluation is appropriate here. Include observations, comparisons, and contrasts of at least two leaders in the organization—perhaps executives or lower-level managers. You should:
o Examine traits, skills behaviors and effectiveness
o Explore motivational effectiveness
o Evaluate communication effectiveness (upward and downward)
o Compare their situational leadership and empowerment strategies
o Include any emotional intelligence or gender-related leadership traits if
The discussion should assess each component for each leader either positively (as a strength)
or negatively (as a weaknesses)
- Controlling: a brief discussion with a “positive” evaluation is appropriate here. At a minimum, the organizational control discussion should:
o You discussed financial documents (Income Statements and Balance Sheets) in
Chapter 3. If you have decided that Organizational Control is the primary
internal weakness, then simply mention that information from your Chapter 3
analysis and add a few standard stability measures and/or financial ratios here.
Refer to pages C8 to C12 in the Case Study section of the Hill and Jones text to
assist in this analysis.
o Examine productivity controls in place
o Evaluate quality practices such as TQM, 6-Sigma, ISO, or other systems
o Investigate the type and effectiveness of the organization’s information
o The discussion should assess each component of organizational control either
positively (as a strength).
- Planning: a brief discussion with a “positive” evaluation is appropriate here.
At a minimum, review the short-term and long-term planning processes to
o Determine if the organization has planning in place for the current and future
competitive environment
o Evaluate the planning process for weaknesses in addressing industry environment
changes political or legal forces, changing ethical and environmental
requirements, or technological forces and changes
o As mentioned previously, you may be able to relate some of these internal
weaknesses to the company’s failure to address (plan for) its external threats or
opportunities, so mention this issue again with respect to the organization’s
threats in Section II. The discussion should assess each planning component
positively (as a strength) or negatively (as a weaknesses).
Capstone Paper
- Organizing: a “positive” evaluation is
appropriate here. At a minimum, analyze various aspects of the company’s
organization. Elements include the following:
o Examine the overall organizational design (functional, divisional, matrix, product,
etc.) to determine if the chosen system is creating problems.
o Analyze any issues surrounding job design or descriptions
o Investigate any human resource factors such a salary and wage scale issues or
collective bargaining concerns
o Evaluate any issues with organizational culture, especially with respect to
flexibility for future necessity to change.
As mentioned previously, you may be able to interpret some internal organizational weaknesses
as a failure to address (that is, re-organize for) external threats or opportunities. For example,
perhaps the company has failed to circumvent a threat because it overlooked an opportunity to
integrate vertically or horizontally to gain an advantage. If you suspect this to be the case,
mention the issue again with respect to the threats in Section II. The discussion should assess
each organizational component positively (as a strength) or negatively (as a weaknesses).