A burn injury can severely affect a patient’s physical and emotional well-being. As a nurse you may be in charge of taking care of a patient during any of the three phases of burns. Please complete the Phases of Burn Injury table to better understand the needs of a burn patient and ways to meet those needs.
NUR2790_Module 03_Phases of Burn Injury_v2.docx
Grading Criterion:
- The student will identify 3 goals related to a client that is specific to the phase of burn
- Identify at least 3 possible nursing diagnosis written in a 2-part format based on your assessment findings and goals (2-part = Nursing diagnosis …. as evidenced by (AEB) your assessment
- The student is to list at least 3 objective assessments that would be expected with a client who is in this stage of burn
- Identify at least 3 nursing interventions that you would do for your client (NO MEDICATIONS)