Once you have grasped the significance of risk factors and understand the importance of the role of the early childhood educator in proving support and guidance that can mitigate some of the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences, you will research the negative impact of “TIME-OUT”. Time Out was a practice that was once very prevalently used in many early childhood classrooms. Based on research that has already been done, early childhood professionals have a much better understanding of the negative effects of using Time-Out as a form of discipline. You will focus the last portion of your research on the negative impact of Time-Out and then find and share at least 1 alternate, developmentally appropriate form of guidance that can be used in the classroom setting.
Think about these talking points are you conduct your research to develop your presentation and reflective essay.
Risk factors that impact young children and how that can relate to ACEs.
The negative impact of suspension and expulsion in preschool.
• The negative impact of time-out and other punitive measur4es of classroom discipline
• Positive Guidance Strategies that can be used in the classroom to support at risk children,
which will mitigate the impact of ACEs (Include a brief discussion of using “time-in”
Part 1 (60 points): Presentation Guidelines:
- Create a video presentation using the free web-based presentation program Adobe
Cloud Express. Login in info. Username :[email protected] Password: Unique0313!
- Include the following in your presentation:
• Introduction: Rebecca Felton
Course :EDU 146
Semester Spring
- Overview of the topic
- Explain the major impact of
Risk factors that impact young children and how that can relate to
ACEs. - The negative impact of suspension and expulsion in preschool.
The negative impact of time-out and other punitive measures of
classroom discipline -
Positive Guidance Strategies that can be used in the classroom to
support at risk children, which will mitigate the impact of ACEs
(Include a brief discussion of using “time-in” strategies). -
Include your research to make evidence-based connections to the topic
• Closure -
Discuss the implications of these risk factors on child development and
learning and the role of early childhood educators in mitigating the negative
impact. -
Use the guiding questions from above as a pathway to develop your
talking points for the presentation.
Use a minimum of 4 scholarly resources. Acceptable resources include the textbook
and those found through the HCC online library. Include APA formatted in-text
citations and APA formatted full reference slide at the end of the presentation.
Video Notes:
• You are required to use Adobe Creative Cloud Express and your voice to narrate
the oral video presentation.
Do not read from the textbook or other resources.
• Do not embed other videos. - Presentation must be at least 7minutes, clearly narrated and visually appealing.
- Paste your video link at the end of your reflection essay
- Check your sharing permissions on your video. Be sure it doesn’t need a password to
access the video link.
Part 2 (40 points): Reflective Essay
Write a minimum 300 word (3 paragraph) reflective essay describing how your research helped you cultivate an understanding of risk factors and how positive guidance strategies can reverse the negative effects to impact child development and learning. How will you use this knowledge moving forward in the work you do to support children and families?
Essay Outline:
I. First Paragraph: Introduction
II. Second Paragraph Brief Summary:
III. Third Paragraph: Conclusion
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Select the colorful + button to create a new project. Select Video. Select the “Teach a
Lesson” template to start