Where necessary, others’ work must be appropriately cited. Plagiarism is unacceptable, and will result in a zero.
Important: Using the provided sources are mandatory. No external sources are accepted for this assignment.
Use and cite the given sources in the assignment, as evidence or examples to support your answers.
The following questions are essay questions, please use complete sentences and avoid short answers.
After reading the assigned articles and watching the videos, answer the following questions:
(Five to Six paragraphs long, 5 to 6 sentences for each paragraph)
6. Use these two sources to answer the following question
Turnout and Voter Registration
Texas Voter Turnout ( Midterm Elections)
Texas Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections
Presidential Elections (2020) Voter Turnout
How would you rate Texas’s voter turnout during elections (Presidential and Mid-Term elections)?
Your data should be presented in a table, and be accompanied by a narrative explanation of your findings. For Example:
Voter Turnout: General Elections
Total Registered voters: 2016-2018-2020-2022 General Elections
Percentage of registered voters who voted in the general elections: 2016-2018-2020-2022
Percentage of registered voters who did not vote in the general elections: 2016-2018-2020-2022
Presidential Elections 2016
Gubernatorial/Midterm Elections 2018
Presidential Elections 2020
Gubernatorial/Midterm Elections 2022
Use these sources to answer the following question:
Texas Election Turnout
Early voting in Texas
Voter Turnout and Political Participation in Texas
I. What factors influence voter turnout and registration?
Use these sources to answer the following question:
Gerrymandering Explained
What is Gerrymandering and how does it impact you?
Here is how partisan gerrymandering impacts Texans
II. How does Gerrymandering impact elections and representation?
Use these sources to answer the following question
Texas Voter ID Laws
It’s harder to vote in Texas than in any other state
Texas Voting Laws Compare To Other States
Texas Mail-in Votes
III. How do you think the Texas voter ID law and recent attempts of purging voter rolls affect voter turnout in Texas? Where do you stand on these issue? Explain why you favor or oppose voter ID laws or challenging the status of voters on voter rolls.
Texas rejected thousands of mail-in ballots for primary elections
Why is voter turnout so low in the Texas primary?
How low voter turnout during Texas primary will affect who’s on the ballot in Nov