Enhancing employees’ knowledge through training and development is crucial in today’s marketplace. Employees who receive training will improve their skills, gain knowledge, and perform their daily work more effectively and efficiently. In turn, those employees tend to stay engaged, remain motivated, improve performance, and help the organization stay competitive. However, the implementation of the proper strategy for employee learning is a challenge for most organizations. In the majority of organizations there is a diversity of learners, and different employees learn better through different learning preferences. Such learning preferences need to be taken into consideration when planning a training program.
To deal with this issue from the perspective of an employee, you will first need to gain insights into your own learning style by taking the learning preference quiz at this learning style quiz Links to an external site.. Next, post your quiz results and discuss your learning preference. As you do, address the following implications of knowing a person’s learning style:
- What type of training most appeals to people with a similar learning style to you?
- What methods of instruction work best with your learning style group?
- What method of instruction is a challenge for this learning style group?