ENGL 121 Spring 2023
Assignment Description – Research Project
This paper will be 7 – 10 pp. in length. You’ll need to select one – two literary* texts ( to be approved by me) which you’ll read closely and synthesize (if using two) in a specific context.
The “Works Cited” page must list at least five (5) quality sources in addition to the primary text/s you’ll be focusing on; most of these should be referenced in the project itself. Of these, at least three must be scholarly; the remaining ones may be quality specialized-reference sources on the work/s you’re writing about, as well as subjects like history and biography, which will provide background for your literary analysis.
The grade for this paper will be a composite of the Proposal (marked Pass/ Fail and worth 10% of the final grade), Annotated Bibliography (25%; letter grade), and first (10%; Pass/ Fail) and final drafts (50%; letter grade); and other work, like quiz/zes and peer review (5%). Descriptions and requirements for these are also available in Black Board. Like all your other written work in this class, this paper must follow the latest MLA style and documentation guidelines.
Here are some topic/ approach recommendations to help you get started:
- Many of the authors we’re studying this term have been quite prolific, so, if you like something we read, you may want to choose one – two other works by that same author;
- You may even expand one of the essays we’ll have written this term into a research paper or other project;
- If you’re interested in a topic or issue like racism or the environment, you may choose one – two literary works that have this as a theme;
- *Alternatively, you can make an argument for reading something as literature (applying the same close-reading and analytic strategies we’ve been practicing) that normally isn’t considered literature. Suitable genres include but aren’t limited to memoirs, essays, correspondence …