Include leadership focus: volunteer nurses, church leaders. The same project topic. Hypertension in African American community in Inglewood California. This project is non-direct patient care but focus is on leadership education and evidence-based research. Pls fellow the rubric carefully.
PLS use the template to do this assignment.
Use the template below for submission of your DNP Project Proposal.
For help with APA formatting and references, the APA website provides a sample student paper at the following link: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/student-annotated.pdf, retrieved 5/7/2020
Full Title of the Proposal
Author’s Name (no professional initials)
Touro University, Nevada
Course Title: In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
DNP Project Team: Type your project instructors name here
Due Date
Table of Contents
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………
Problem Identification …………………………………………………………………..
Project Question ……………………………………………………………………………..
Search Methods………………………………………………………………………………
Review of Literature …………………………………………………………………………….
Project Rationale ……………………………………………………………………………….
Project Framework …………………………………………………………………………
Project Context………………………………………………………………………………..
Data Collection……………………………………………………………………………….
Ethics and Confidentiality………………………………………………………..
References …………………………………………………………………………………………
Full Title
The first paragraph of the paper should focus on problem identification at the project site. A brief account of the problem and the resolution with implications are introduced. Build a strong case for your topic’s importance and the need for a DNP project that will address the issues surrounding it. Support your case with citations from the literature.
The problem identified should clearly align with SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines for quality improvement reporting as “a meaningful disruption, failure, inadequacy, distress, confusion or other dysfunction in a healthcare service delivery system that adversely affects patients, staff, or the system as a whole, or that prevents care from reaching its full potential.”
Conclude with your problem statement. A brief statement of the problem and the resolution with implications are introduced.
Project Question
The project question helps the reader understand what question you hope to answer by conducting your quality improvement initiative. Project question should be clearly and succinctly formulated. Clear connection to the project topic and site should be made. The question should answerable through project implementation and reflect the PICOT format.
Search Methods
In this section, you will provide a description of the terms and search engines you used during your database search. The PICOT question in conjunction with clear and concise search methods should be utilized for review of literature. Search terms, articles available and articles selected should be clearly explained. Criteria of inclusion and exclusion of studies in the literature review should be clearly justified. An example would include, “research was limited to studies conducted in the US within the last five years”.
You would also include facility databases if they were used to develop your proposal. An example would include the review of related protocols if your project consisted of developing a new protocol.
Review of Study Methods
The types of studies that are included in the project should be reviewed. This discussion can be integrated throughout the paper within the sub-headings, or it can also be discussed separately. The following is an example of a review of study methods from a previous student paper.
Upon reviewing the study methodologies in the discussed literature, the emerging themes are relevant to this DNP project. The literature discussed included randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, retrospective and observational studies, mixed-methods comparative studies, multicentered cross-sectional studies, integrative reviews, systematic review of peer-reviewed research studies, retrospective cohort studies, exploratory qualitative studies, and interventional trials. These methods are relevant to the aim of the studies performed and are relevant to this DNP project. These study methods are relevant to this DNP project because they are reliable and valid since all produce the same results of decreased door to provider time, LOS, LWOBS with subsequent reduction of ED overcrowding, increasing patient safety and satisfaction.
Review Synthesis
The purpose of a literature review is to provide a comprehensive review of evidence related to your proposed project problem. The literature review should provide a summary of your literature that is then used to synthesize key concepts. The goal is to analyze your literature to identify common patterns, trends, or potential gaps and determine relationships among these studies. Ideally, literature should be current (five years or less) except for older, highly significant studies.
The project should be systemically described in the context of the broader scholarly literature. The historical context of the profession should be discussed related to the relevant literature. Best practice standard as it relates to current evidence around the project problem is distinguished and the gap in quality is clearly delineated. The review of literature for your proposal should provide the context for your proposal and your future DNP project.
Next, write your findings from the literature central to your topic. Avoid describing a series of studies. Use quotes sparingly and only to emphasize or explain an important point. Also, do not make broad statements about the conclusiveness of research studies, either positive or negative. Be objective in your presentation of the facts. Each paragraph should begin with a thesis statement and describe only one key. The idea in the next paragraph should logically flow from the content of its predecessor.
Conclude the review of literature with a concise summary of your findings and provide a rationale for conducting your DNP project, based on your findings.
Every DNP Project will have different themes developed. These themes should help you to justify and guide your evidence-based intervention. Below are some example’s themes that could be explored through subheadings for your literature review:
Impact of the Problem
The use of level-headings can greatly improve the clarity of the literature review. Develop themes that emerge as you explore the issue and then use those themes to create appropriate level headings in your literature review. For example, in this section, you should describe findings from the literature surrounding the impact of the problem.
Addressing the Problem with Current Evidence
Explore 2-3 articles at a minimum per subheading. Your literature review themes should help you understand what you will need to do to address the evidence gap pertaining to the project problem. For example, if your problem is high fall rates at a long-term care facility, you would want to know how to assess and prevent falls. It would also be important to understand the impact of falls and staff education needs. All these things should be addressed in the literature review. Remember to examine national guidelines and national regulatory statements on your topic. If these exist on your topic, they should be explored in your literature review.
Theme Development
This is an example of how to use various level headings to organize your literature review.
Use Level Headings to Explore Themes for the Project .Use this heading to describe a subcategory of the previous section. Use level headings to organize your discussion.
Evidence Gaps and Controversies. You can further expound on a topic through appropriate use of level headings.
Project Aims
Specific aims of the quality improvement project clearly and concisely described. Aims are measurable and align with the gap in quality identified in the project introduction.
Project Objectives
Please use SMART (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based) framework to develop objectives.
In the timeframe of this DNP Project, the host site will:
- List between 3-5 objectives. When writing objectives, ensure that each objective is measurable and be consistent with expected outcomes.
- Example objectives: Implement an evidence based…or something similar
- Administer an education seminar for the multi-disciplinary team to train on this practice
- Improve provider compliance with national standards for care pertaining to (insert project topic)
- Improve rates of (insert patient outcomes) by xx% within a 5-week implementation frame.
Implementation Framework
In this section, you will name and define the implementation framework that underpins your proposal and future DNP project. Provide a summary of project interventions utilizing either the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) model if your project is a quality improvement project or the IOWA model if an Evidence-based practice project approach is utilized. Each student should decide which approach will provide greater clarity for their project. Place a diagram of the model at the end of the paper in the appendix section, after the reference pages and refer to the diagram in this section. The framework or theory should be utilized to explain the problem and justify/guide intervention.
When developing this section of the proposal, section headings should be utilized to fully explore the framework. Use the rubric as a guide. Be sure to provide pertinent information regarding the historical development of the framework.
Application to DNP Project
Provide very specific information on how you will apply the tenets of the theory or framework to the implementation process of the DNP Project at the system level. If the theory or framework will guide the formation of an evidence-based guideline, you should explore that here as well. You may choose to utilize level 3, 4, and 5 headings here to explore more specifically the major tenets of the theory.
Major framework tenets. This is an example of how you could organize your thoughts as you explore the tenets of the theory using section headings.
Population of Interest
Direct population of interest should be explored (people who will be implementing your project interventions, generally staff that will be educated). Describe the population of interest such as volume, license type, describe any population who will be excluded from the project (such as front office staff or scheduler).
Indirect population of interest should be explored (Usually the patient population that will be impacted from this project).
The project setting describes the venue where the project will be implemented. It should consist of the practice type (acute care, long term care, private practice). Location of the project site in general terms (private practice in an affluent area in southern California) Please do not use any names of the practice site) The size of the practice should be described along with specialty. Does the practice site utilize EHR? Is the practice private or corporately owned? Include any relevant information to the project.
Identify key stakeholders that will be involved with the project. What is the role of these stakeholders with the project? Discuss permission to conduct project at the project site. (The letter obtained in DNP Project I should be placed in the appendices at this time). Also discuss if an affiliation agreement is required between the university and the project site.(Affiliation agreement should also be placed in the appendices at this time if applicable)
Description of the intervention(s) in sufficient detail that others could reproduce it.
Specifics of teams involved in the work. Use the timeline and write a few sentences to briefly describe your approach to your QI project. The full timeline doesn’t need to be included in the paper but your general plan for intervention should be.
Describe each tool that will be necessary for achieving your objectives and carrying out interventions of the QI project. Include the following information: Who will develop the tool (will you use an existing/established tool or develop your own)? How will the tool be validated (was it validated by a previous study, or will you seek expert consultation through stakeholders and the project team)? If using an established tool, do you need to seek permission to use the tool? From whom?
Tool Example
Please use subheadings to organize this section. Each tool should be described separately under a subheading.
Plan for Data Collection
Approach chosen for assessing the impact of the intervention(s) is explored.
Approach used to establish whether observed outcomes were due to the intervention(s) should also be explored. What is the procedure used for collecting data and plans for maintaining confidentiality during this process?(It may be easier and more organized if you utilize the subheadings to explore data collection.)
Plan for Analysis
Provide appropriate statistical analysis tests chosen and justify your decision. Discussion of assumptions to be addressed and specific process for analysis included.
Ethics/Human Subjects Protection
Explain how you will conduct ethical and confidential implementation. Discuss IRB
process- note TUN doesn’t require IRB for QI projects. Does your project site require IRB or QI Committee oversight? If so, define IRB process for the site. What are the benefits/risks for participants? Is there compensation for participants? Discuss recruitment methods (how will you get people to your training?)
Analysis of Results
In this section you will write your data analysis using the needed techniques chosen that is appropriate for the project design. When developing the analysis section make sure that the data collected is highly appropriate to your project and is organized in a way that is easily understandable. All appropriate assumptions are checked for each test, and any violations are handled accordingly. You will want to make certain that your information is a clear representation of what the findings were.
You will want to develop and display your data in graphs, charts, and tables that are appropriate for the type of information generated. Data visualization is the art of presenting results in a clear, understandable manner. This allows others to quickly interpret your graphic message and display data trends. Make sure any graphs and charts are clearly marked and the interpretation of the results is accurate.
In addition to any charts, etc. include a narrative form of the analysis. The analysis needs to be conducted in a way that is highly consistent with the project objectives and/or question(s) and served to address and/or answer them.
Summary and Interpretation of Results
This section will include a discussion of the results of the data analysis. The discussion should be clearly discussed and accurately interpreted including strengths of the project. In this section include appropriate inferences as to the meaning of the results and tied back to the project question and/or objectives. In this include a discussion of the project results and its alignment with previous published literature making clear connections. Discuss any unexpected findings, costs, and strategic trade-offs.
In this section discuss the limitations of the project as it relates to project design, data recruitment and collection methods, and data analysis. Discuss the limits to the generalizability of the work, factors that might limit internal validity, and efforts made to minimize limitations. Clearly describe each in a logical manner as it relates to the specific project.
In this section, you will draw conclusions about your project. Include the following elements: Usefulness of the work, sustainability, potential for spread in other contexts, implications for practice and for further study, and suggested next steps. The table of contents should automatically populate. Please see Microsoft Website for any specific table of contents formatting section.
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Appendix A
Insert appendices in the order they appear in the paper