Using the worksheet provided in this lesson as an example, create your own K-W-L strategy to improve reading comprehension. Choose any 7-12 grade level you prefer. Create a document in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) and describe how you will introduce the K-W-L process to students and involve them in its use (e.g., assign a note taker, have each student fill out their own chart, etc.). Select a reading appropriate to the grade level you have chosen and create a K-W-L chart to use with it. Itemize a few things from the reading you expect students will already know, and what you expect they will want to know. Explain how you would modify this strategy for students working below grade level in the classroom (e.g., break chapters into subsections), while maintaining the same learning objectives for all students. Use the tool provided below to upload a copy of your completed work.
Using the worksheet provided in this lesson as an example, create your own K-W-L strategy to improve reading comprehension. Choose any 7-12 grade level you prefer. Create a document in MS Word format