
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 1 of 2Candidate Assessment Tool
Candidate Assessment Tool
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 2 of 3Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
About this booklet
This Candidate assessment booklet has been designed for students undertaking face-to-face mode of study to provide information before they undertake these assessments. It also contains assessment tools to assess the skills and knowledge required from you to be deemed competent in this unit.
Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If you do not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your trainer/assessor.
The assessment booklet contains three (3) parts:
PART 1: Assessment information: This part contains information on the assessment for this unit of competency and how an assessment will be conducted throughout this unit to achieve the competency. It includes: ● Application of the unit of competency ● Purpose of assessment ● Elements, performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements of the unit ● Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment ● Assessment tasks ● Outline of evidence to be collected ● Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments, appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessors’ intervention.
PART 2: Assessment tasks: This part contains the information to undertake the assessment task successfully. In each assessment task, students will find the following information: ● Task instructions ● Role play/Practical Demonstration information ● Information on resources required, where applicable.
PART 3: Appendix: This part contains the documents/templates required to complete the assessment tasks (Part 2).
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 3 of 3Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Assessment Information
Application of the unit of competency:
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams in the workplace and to actively engage with the management of the organization.
The unit applies to individuals working at a managerial level who lead and build a positive culture within their work teams. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures requiring the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement. It will also involve using a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies.
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Purpose of assessment:
The primary objective of assessment is to support and encourage your learning.
Assessment results give the assessor an indication of how well you learnt in class and or areas you
may need extra support
Performance evidence:
The candidate must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance
criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to: ▪ manage the effectiveness of at least one work team.
In the course of the above, the candidate must: ▪ provide feedback to encourage, value and reward others
▪ model desired behavior and practices
▪ encourage and foster shared understanding of purpose, roles and responsibilities
▪ support team to meet expected performance outcomes including providing formal and informal
learning opportunities as needed
▪ develop performance plans with key performance indicators (KPIs), outputs and goals for individuals or the team which incorporate input from stakeholders
▪ communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders about team performance plans and team
▪ evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems
raised by internal or external stakeholders.
Knowledge evidence:
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of: ▪ impacts of group dynamics on team performance
▪ methods of establishing team activities including communication processes
▪ strategies that can support team cohesion, participation and performance
▪ strategies for gaining consensus
▪ issue resolution strategies.
Context and conditions for assessment:
To comply with the assessment conditions of this unit: ● Skills for this unit of competency will be demonstrated in Australian School of Commerce classroom/Computer lab located at Level 4, 123 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
● You will have access to suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including template documentation, policies and procedures to undertake the assessment tasks for this unit of competency (refer Templates)
Resources required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment, and you have access to the following resources for the unit: • PowerPoint presentation • Access to other learning materials such as textbooks
• Access to a computer, the Internet and word-processing system such as MS Word
• Computer technology and documentation as required
• Codes of practice and standards issued by government regulators or industry groups
• Student assessment booklet • Australian School of Commerce Learners’ resources for the unit BSBTWK502– MANAGE TEAM
Clustering/holistic assessment:
There is no provision for clustering of assessments in this unit.
AQF Level
AQF levels and the AQF levels criteria are an indication of the relative complexity and/or depth of achievement and the autonomy required to demonstrate that achievement.
All assessment tasks must ensure compliance with the requirements of AQF level and the AQF level criteria. For more information, please visit http://www.aqf.edu.au/
Relevant Legislation
● Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 ● Age Discrimination Act 2004 ● Disability Discrimination Act 1992 ● Racial Discrimination Act 1975 ● Sex Discrimination Act 1984 ● Code of ethics and codes of conduct ● Ethical Principles in the Workplace ● Codes of practice ● The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) ● Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 – Applicable in Victoria ● Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Competency requirements:
To be judged competent in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students with unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence (authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) after two reassessments in a unit of competency, student will be required to repeat the unit as per the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to Australian School of Commerce Re-Assessment Policy and Australian School of Commerce Course Progress Policy.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Assessment tasks Assessment description Location of
Assessment Task 1
Knowledge Test
Students are required to complete the knowledge test to
be deemed competent. The learners are required to
answer in brief. They must answer all the questions
correctly to be marked satisfactory.
Australian School
of Commerce
Assessment Task 2
This assessment includes a series of tasks and activities
you are required to perform in a simulated work
Australian School
of Commerce
Assessment Task 3
This assessment is Project-based assessment, where
you are required to complete series of tasks at the end
of this assessment. Australian School
of Commerce Assessment tasks:
To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment tasks
within the date and time specified by your trainer/assessor. This will demonstrate that you have all the
required skills and knowledge for this unit.
Outline of evidence to be collected:
You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will ensure
that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient, current and
Assessment Task 1
Knowledge Test ● Answer all questions correctly in the Knowledge Test Questions and submit to
your assessor electronically. ● Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task
Assessment Task 2
Project ● Answer all questions correctly in the project scenario after reading the brief
provided and submit it to the Assessor electronically. ● Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.
Assessment Task 3
Observation ● Answer all questions correctly in the project scenario after reading the brief
provided and submit it to the Assessor electronically. ● Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.
You must read and follow this information carefully while completing assessments for this unit of
competency and if you are unsure of any instruction, please contact your Trainer/assessor to clarify.
The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible.
Instruction for learner
Prior to the commencement of the assessment:
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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The assessor will explain the Assessment Conditions and advise you prior to conducting observation/assessment:
o what will occur throughout the assessment process
o when the assessment will occur (Date and Time)
o the level of competency expected ● Prior to the commencement of the assessment, you will be given the copy of the Candidate Assessment Pack.
During the assessment: ● During role play/ practical demonstration, your trainer may be required to act as a student, where required, but trainer/assessor will not interfere with the assessment. ● If the assessment activities might impact your safety or that of others, trainer/assessor will stop the assessment immediately. ● Your trainer/assessor will confirm assessment submission details for each assessment task. ● You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the assessment document to be submitted.
Submission of assessment:
You must ensure that the completed assessment tasks are submitted along with the assessment cover
sheet: ● ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for assessments are typed. ● You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as per the training plan. ● Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances with your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence documents when seeking an extension to due date (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate). To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing. ● You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this is the case. ● Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable. ● You must complete the student’s declaration.
After Submission of assessment: ● Once you have completed and submitted assessment to trainer/assessor, your trainer/assessor will mark the submitted assessment and will arrange a time with you for the feedback discussion and to advise if there are any further steps for them to take. ● You will be provided with:
o clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision
o information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by the assessment
o the opportunity to discuss the assessment process and outcome
o information on reassessment and the appeals process
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
o an opportunity for reassessment, if appropriate ● This unit is not graded, and the student must complete and submit all requirements for the assessment task for this unit of competency to be deemed competent.
Assessment outcomes: –
For unit of competency:
There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent (requires more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the Australian School of Commerce Re-Assessment Policy and Australian School of Commerce Course Progress Policy.
For assessment task:
There are two assessment outcomes for tasks. S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory.
On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment tasks you will be marked Satisfactory, if you have completed the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment criteria and Not Satisfactory, if you have not completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria.
Recording an assessment result:
Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on the student assessment record sheets and all results will be approved by the Training Manager.
Assessors will check that you have completed the signed student declaration prior to filling out the assessment sheet.
Retaining assessment records:
Australian School of Commerce will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made. Australian School of Commerce
will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification documentation for a period of 30 years.
The assessor will ensure that the student records are securely retained and stored in accordance with the Australian School of Commerce record control policy accessible by the Student Administration Officer.
If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to the Australian School of Commerce Re-Assessment Policy and Australian School of CommerceCourse Progress Policy. As this is a competency-based program, the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve Competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.
Student access to records:
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
You have the right to access current and accurate records of your participation and results at any time.
You can request a copy of your records (results or attendance progress) by contacting the student
administration or assessor.
You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks at any time
from the assessor.
Reasonable adjustments and special learning needs:
Australian School of Commerce works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be based, for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current industry experience, language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.
Where pre-training interviews and LLN assessments reveal that a student may require special support or where, after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also taking into account factors such as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
Any adjustments made must: ● be discussed, agreed and documented in the assessment record ● benefit the student ● maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as stipulated in the
training package ● be reasonable to expect in a workplace.
Reasonable adjustment may consist of: ● providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks ● presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues ● asking questions in a relevant practical context ● using large print material ● extending the course duration ● Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences.
Complaints and appeals:
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In the first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and discussing the matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you may appeal further to training manager. If you are still dissatisfied, you may appeal formally and in writing to have the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures available in Australian School of Commerce Website.
Assessor intervention:
Assessors will check if you are ready for the assessment and defer the assessment if you are not. Feedback will be given to you at the completion of the assessment. During role play, the assessor may act as a client or employer, where required, but the assessor will not interfere with the assessment. If the assessment activities might impact on your safety or that of others, the assessor will stop the assessment immediately.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Plagiarism, cheating and assessment dishonesty:
Australian School of Commerce considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanor. Evidence of plagiarism and cheating is treated on a case by case basis and the consequences for students engaging in such practices may include failure of the assessment or unit or exclusion from the course. For more information, refer to Australian School of Commerce’s Assessment Policy.
Note: Referencing is a way of acknowledging the source of information that a person uses to research your assignment. References should be provided whenever someone else’s words. Ideas or research is used. One should also provide references for any information used. Website, journals, Research paper, Blogs, article and any other online sources needs to be referenced.
Assessor feedback:
Assessors will provide feedback on the assessment that you have submitted. This can identify your
strengths and weaknesses or be an overall comment on your submission. A copy of the feedback along
with your submission will be given to you and you must keep a copy of it throughout the completion of
the course.
Student Declaration:
Make sure you understand what is required of you before signing this agreement.
Please sign and date this agreement before you begin the assessment process.
I…………………………………………………………………… (Student Name) have read and understand the
information provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and academic
dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment with Australian
School of Commerce. The assessment has been explained to me. I understand the following: ● I can discuss any special needs I have with my assessor. ● How the assessment decision will be made. ● I can re-attempt the assessment if I need to. ● I can discuss my assessment result if I am unhappy with the decision. ● I have been told the date, time and place for assessment.
I further declare that: ● All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism and collusion has not occurred. ● Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course. ● I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person. ● I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to reproduce my work. ● I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.
Student signature: ……………………………………………………… Date: ……/……/…….
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Assessment tasks
Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 1 (AT1)
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
Student details
Student Name: Student ID:
Assessment details
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge test
Date of Submission:
Assessment Outcome
Attempt 1 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Attempt 2 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Attempt 3 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate
feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No
Check for copying/collusion Yes No
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No
Student: I have received,
discussed and accepted my result as above for this assessment and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ………………………………………………… Signature: …………………………..
Date: ……………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………..
Assessment task 1: Knowledge Test
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Required documents and equipment: ▪ Computer with internet connection to refer to various programs such as MS word, MS excel, MS
PowerPoint or any other recognized software program. ▪ Australian School of Commerce Learners’ resources for the unit BSBTWK502-MANAGE TEAM
EFFECTIVENESS (organized by the trainer/assessor) ▪ Learner’s notes
Instructions for students: ▪ This assessment will be conducted in ASOC’s Campus with access to the resources listed
above. ▪ You must answer all knowledge questions as part of this assessment and submit answers in
electronic copy. ▪ Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required from you. Read the
questions carefully and critically analyze them for a few seconds, this will help you to identify
what is really needed. ▪ No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. ▪ Your trainer/assessor may ask relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is
your own work. ▪ You will be advised to read instruction given in this document before starting assessment. ▪ Your trainer/assessor will clearly explain the assessment process and tasks to be completed. ▪ Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how. ▪ Be concise to the point and write answers according to the given word-limit to each question and
do not provide irrelevant information. Be careful, quantity is not quality. ▪ Be careful to use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean,
or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture,
race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used. ▪ When you quote, paraphrase, summaries or copy information from the sources you are using to
write your answers/research your work, you must always acknowledge the source. ▪ Please make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process. ▪ Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment ▪ Please ensure that you must have all the required resources needed to complete this task. ▪ You will be marked for all responded questions. ▪ Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical
thinking, and good writing skills. ▪ Your Trainer/Assessor will provide the feedback and notify you when results are available. ▪ If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is Competent (C). ▪ If at least one of the assessment task is deemed Not Satisfactory (NS), then the unit outcome is
Not Yet Competent (NYC). ▪ Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been undertaken,
trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment plan to record the unit outcome. The outcome will
be either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). ▪ You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the
assessment document to be submitted. ▪ Please refer Instruction for learner in Part A for more information.
Planning the assessment
Access all resources mentioned in required resources, either printed copies or access via the
internet. ▪ You must answer all questions in the knowledge test assessment.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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▪ Time allocated to complete this assessment is 4 hours. ▪ Assessor will set a time to provide feedback.
Resubmissions and reattempts: ▪ Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission
attempt will be allowed. Students will be given total 3 attempts including 1 original plus 2
reassessments. ▪ Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if student have any difficulty in completing this task
and require reasonable adjustments (e.g. can be given as an oral assessment).
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, student will be required to submit the following evidence ▪ Completed assessment task with all questions answered. ▪ Completed and signed cover sheet for the assessment.

Knowledge Test
response (to be
by the
assessor)Question 1: Explain what is meant by the term ‘group dynamics’ and provide an
example of a positive behavior that might affect group dynamics.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
Question 2: Which of the following statements describe behaviours that support
team performance? Tick all that apply.
❑ calling on individuals to present their views
❑ using strong arguments to persuade others
❑ using the opportunity to provide lots of advice or instruction
to others
❑ using active listening so everyone can contribute to the
❑ welcoming objective assessment of each idea
NS Question 3: As a team leader, you need to use a number of strategies that
support the team objectives. Identify and explain two strategies that
support each of the following outcomes:
a. team cohesion
b. team participation
c. team performance.
NS Question 4: A team leader must employ strategies when trying to reach a
consensus where the team decision is agreed to by all participants.
Number each step from 1 to 5 in the order you would follow to move
your team towards an agreed decision.
Clarify and amend the chosen proposal.
Clarify the issue.
Look for developing ideas and common
Explore the issue and discuss alternative
Reach agreement on the outcome.
NS Question 5: As a team leader, identify two strategies you could use to assist in
resolving issues/conflicts among your team. Briefly explain how each
strategy can be applied.
NS Question 6: Suggest two communication processes you can use, as team leader,
to encourage team members to participate in and take responsibility
for team activities.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
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Version: 1.0
Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 2 (AT2)
Student details
Student Name: Student ID:
Assessment details
Assessment Task 2: Project
Date of Submission:
Assessment Outcome
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 17 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Attempt 1 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Attempt 2 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Attempt 3 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment
task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate
feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No
Check for copying/collusion Yes No
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No
Student: I have received,
discussed and accepted my result as above for this assessment and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ………………………………………………… Signature: …………………………..
Date: ……………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………..
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 18 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Assessment task 2: Project
Required documents and equipment: ▪ Computer with internet connection to refer to various programs such as MS word, MS excel, MS
PowerPoint or any other recognized software program. ▪ Simulated work environment ▪ Australian School of Commerce Learners’ resources for the unitBSBTWK502- Manage project
information and communication
(organized by the trainer/assessor) ▪ Learner’s notes ▪ Appendix 1 (provided by trainer/assessor) ▪ Computer with internet and email access, and a working web browser ▪ Installed software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader ▪ Learner’s book
▪ Use the following details to access the above-mentioned templates from Bounce Fitness
simulated website.
https://bouncefitness.precisiongroup.com.au/ ▪ Login details: ▪ Username: Learner ▪ Password: Learner123
▪ Templates Attached
Instructions for students:
This is a Project-based assessment where you are required to read the brief provided and complete
the activities at the end of this task. ▪ This assessment will be conducted in ASOC’S Campus with access to the resources listed
above. ▪ Student must read and respond to all criteria of this assessment task and submit answers in
electronic copy. ▪ No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. ▪ You will be advised to read instruction given in this document before starting assessment. ▪ Your trainer/assessor will clearly explain the assessment process and tasks to be completed. ▪ Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how. ▪ You must satisfactorily answer all questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment. ▪ Be concise provide explanation according to the given word-limit and do not provide irrelevant
information. Be careful, quantity is not quality. ▪ Be careful to use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean,
or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture,
race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used. ▪ When you quote, paraphrase, summaries or copy information from the sources you are using to
write your answers/research your work, you must always acknowledge the source. ▪ Please make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process. ▪ Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment ▪ Please ensure that you must have all the required resources needed to complete this task. ▪ You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the
assessment document to be submitted. Your Trainer/Assessor will provide the feedback and
notify you when results are available. ▪ If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is Competent (C).
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 19 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
▪ If at least one of the assessment task is deemed Not Satisfactory (NS), then the unit outcome is
Not Yet Competent (NYC). ▪ Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been undertaken,
trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment plan to record the unit outcome. The outcome will
be either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). ▪ You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the
assessment document to be submitted. ▪ Please refer Instruction for learner in Part A for more information.
Planning the assessment ▪ Access all resources mentioned in required resources, either printed copies or access via the
internet. ▪ Time required for assessment: 24-26 hours (this will be completed over multiple sessions but
student must submit assessment on or before the due date provided by the trainer/Assessor) ▪ Complete and submit the assessment on the date given by the Assessor. ▪ Assessor will set a time to provide feedback.
Resubmissions and reattempts: ▪ Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission
attempt will be allowed. Students will be given total 3 attempts including 1 original plus 2
reassessments. ▪ Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if student have any difficulty in completing this task
and require reasonable adjustments (e.g. can be given as an oral assessment).
Evidence specifications:
At the end of this assessment, you will be required to submit following evidence before due date
specified by the assessor. ▪ Completed and signed Assessment cover sheet ▪ Documentation must be submitted electronically.
Section 1: Develop a performance plan
1. preparing a team performance plan with input from stakeholders
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 20 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
a. identifying the purpose, roles and responsibilities of the team based on organizational plans
and objectives
b. describing how the performance of team goals will be monitored, measured and evaluated
using KPIs
c. preparing a list of the tasks and timelines for each team member in order to achieve the
Section 2: Outline strategies to develop and facilitate teamwork
2. writing a report outlining the strategies they will use to develop and facilitate team cohesion. outline the strategies to ensure the team has input into planning, decision-making and
operational aspects of the project
b. develop policies and procedures that ensure team members’ accountability for personal and
team tasks
c. develop a process for how issues, concerns and problems raised by the team will be
addressed and how performance issues will be resolved
Project Checklist- Assessor to be complete
Student Assessment Criteria Assessor to tick the
appropriate box
Assessor to
tick the
box Section 1 Section 2
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 21 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Communication | Is the
learner able to: ● Communicate clearly with
others ● Ask for help when needed ● Follow instructions ● Identify the task
requirements including
document purpose and
proposed audience ● Consult with others to
determine meeting
concepts and requirements ● Clarify task requirements
with supervisor (assessor)
as required
Safety | Is the
learner able to: ● Work safely at all
times ● Ensure your
actions do not put
the safety of
yourself or others
at risk
Yes No Section 3 Assessor to tick the appropriate
document completed by the student.
Did the student:
Section 1 ●identifying the purpose, roles and responsibilities of the
team based on organizational plans and objectives
No ●describing how the performance of team goals will be
monitored, measured and evaluated using KPIs
No ●preparing a list of the tasks and timelines for each team
member in order to achieve the goals
Section 2 Yes
No ●outlining the strategies to ensure the team has input into
planning, decision-making and operational aspects of
the project
No ●developing policies and procedures that ensure team
members’ accountability for personal and team tasks
No ●developing a process for how issues, concerns and
problems raised by the team will be addressed and how
performance issues will be resolved
Detailed evidences attached Yes
Assessor’s feedback:
Student outcome: S
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 22 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Assessor Name and Signature:
Assessment Task Cover Sheet Task 3 (AT3)
Student details
Student Name: Student ID:
Assessment details
Assessment Task 3: Observation
Date of Submission:
Assessment Outcome
Attempt 1 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 23 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Attempt 2 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Attempt 3 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment
task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate
feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks
Check for plagiarism Software Yes No
Check for copying/collusion Yes No
Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No
Student: I have received,
discussed and accepted my result as above for this assessment and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ………………………………………………… Signature: …………………………..
Date: ……………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………..
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 24 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Assessment task 3: Observation
Required documents and equipment: ▪ Computer with internet connection to refer to various programs such as MS word, MS excel, MS
PowerPoint or any other recognized software program. ▪ Simulated work environment ▪ Australian School of Commerce Learners’ resources for the unitBSBTWK502- Manage project
information and communication
(organized by the trainer/assessor) ▪ Learner’s notes
▪ Appendix 1 (provided by trainer/assessor) ▪ Computer with internet and email access, and a working web browser ▪ Installed software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader ▪ Learner’s book
▪ Use the following details to access the above-mentioned templates from Bounce Fitness
simulated website.
https://bouncefitness.precisiongroup.com.au/ ▪ Login details: ▪ Username: Learner ▪ Password: Learner123
▪ Templates Attached
Instructions for students:
This is a Project-based assessment where you are required to read the brief provided and complete
the activities at the end of this task. ▪ This assessment will be conducted in ASOC’S Campus with access to the resources listed
above. ▪ Student must read and respond to all criteria of this assessment task and submit answers in
electronic copy. ▪ No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. ▪ You will be advised to read instruction given in this document before starting assessment. ▪ Your trainer/assessor will clearly explain the assessment process and tasks to be completed. ▪ Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how. ▪ You must satisfactorily answer all questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment. ▪ Be concise provide explanation according to the given word-limit and do not provide irrelevant
information. Be careful, quantity is not quality. ▪ Be careful to use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean,
or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture,
race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used. ▪ When you quote, paraphrase, summaries or copy information from the sources you are using to
write your answers/research your work, you must always acknowledge the source. ▪ Please make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process. ▪ Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment ▪ Please ensure that you must have all the required resources needed to complete this task. ▪ You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the
assessment document to be submitted. Your Trainer/Assessor will provide the feedback and
notify you when results are available. ▪ If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is Competent (C).
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 25 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
▪ If at least one of the assessment task is deemed Not Satisfactory (NS), then the unit outcome is
Not Yet Competent (NYC). ▪ Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been undertaken,
trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment plan to record the unit outcome. The outcome will
be either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). ▪ You are required to mention your name and student Id in either header or footer of the
assessment document to be submitted. ▪ Please refer Instruction for learner in Part A for more information.
Planning the assessment ▪ Access all resources mentioned in required resources, either printed copies or access via the
internet. ▪ Time required for assessment: 24-26 hours (this will be completed over multiple sessions but
student must submit assessment on or before the due date provided by the trainer/Assessor) ▪ Complete and submit the assessment on the date given by the Assessor. ▪ Assessor will set a time to provide feedback.
Resubmissions and reattempts: ▪ Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission
attempt will be allowed. Students will be given total 3 attempts including 1 original plus 2
reassessments. ▪ Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if student have any difficulty in completing this task
and require reasonable adjustments (e.g. can be given as an oral assessment).
Evidence specifications:
At the end of this assessment, you will be required to submit following evidence before due date
specified by the assessor. ▪ Completed and signed Assessment cover sheet ▪ Documentation must be submitted electronically.
Section 1: Facilitate cohesion and teamwork
1. communicating with team members to ensure a shared understanding of the team purpose
and their own roles, responsibilities and accountabilities.
2. Support team members to undertake their roles and responsibilities, and meet their
performance goals, including through providing learning opportunities.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 26 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
3. Encourage team participation and responsibility in planning and decision-making activities
and communication processes.
4. Provide feedback to the team to recognize efforts and contributions.
5. Support the team to identify and resolve work performance problems.
6. Promoting team collaboration by role-modelling the desired behaviors and practices of the
Section 2: Communicate with stakeholders
7. facilitating a two-way flow of information to communicate team issues, concerns and
problems, and following up with senior management and other relevant stakeholders
8. Take corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by
internal or external stakeholders.
Observation Checklist- Assessor to be complete
Student Assessment Criteria Assessor to tick the
appropriate box
Assessor to
tick the
box Section 1 Section 2
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 27 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Communication | Is the
learner able to: ● Communicate clearly with
others ● Ask for help when needed ● Follow instructions ● Identify the task
requirements including
document purpose and
proposed audience ● Consult with others to
determine meeting
concepts and requirements ● Clarify task requirements
with supervisor (assessor)
as required
Safety | Is the
learner able to: ● Work safely at all
times ● Ensure your
actions do not put
the safety of
yourself or others
at risk
Yes No Section 3 Assessor to tick the appropriate
document completed by the student.
Did the student:
Section 1 ● communicating with team members to ensure a
shared understanding of the team purpose and their
own roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
No ● supporting team members to undertake their roles
and responsibilities, and meet their performance
goals, including through providing learning
No ● encouraging team participation and responsibility in
planning and decision-making activities and
communication processes
No ● providing feedback to the team to recognize efforts
and contributions
No ● supporting the team to identify and resolve work
performance problems
No ● promoting team collaboration by role-modelling the
desired behaviors and practices of the organization
No ● Survey report on role-modelling Yes
Section 2
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 28 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
● facilitating a two-way flow of information to
communicate team issues, concerns and problems,
and following up with senior management and other
relevant stakeholders
No ● taking corrective action regarding unresolved issues,
concerns and problems raised by internal or external
Detailed evidences attached Yes
Assessor’s feedback:
Student outcome: S
Assessor Name and Signature:
Final Assessment Record
Student name: Student ID:
Assessor name:
Date of
Student results
Not Yet
Satisfactory Not Submitted Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Assessment Task 2: Project
Assessment Task 3: Observation
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 29 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Comments/ Feedback:
Unit outcome: Competent Not Yet Competent
Is re-assessment required? Yes No
Assessor Signoff
By signing this final assessment record: ● I confirm that the student has attempted all requirements of this unit of competency ● I am satisfied the work submitted is their own work. ● I have informed the participant of the assessment decision.
Assessor signature: Date:
Student Signoff
By signing this final assessment record: ● I have received, discussed and accept the outcome from my assessment as above for this unit of
competency and I am aware of my right to appeal.
Student signature: Date:
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 30 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0
Appendix1- Assessment resource in simulated business environment
ASOC will conduct this assessment in its campus by setting simulated business environment which is
safe and experiences typical activities experienced in those working environment in this industry. The
following resources will be made available to the learner: ▪ ASOC’s Institute office equipment and resources. ▪ Workplace documents relevant to team task objectives.
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd T/A Australian School of Commerce
RTO NO. 41089 I CRICOS NO.: 03489A
Melbourne Campus: Level 4, 123-129 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
Hobart Campus: Level 4, 18 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000 Australia
Ph: 1300 781 194 I E: [email protected] I W: www.asoc.edu.au
ABN: 80 614 287 179
M.S Aviation Pty Ltd trading as Australian School of Commerce Page 31 of 13Candidate Assessment Tool
Version: 1.0



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