Read Lesson 7 and access the videos and links before beginning the signature assignment.
Signature Assignment 2: Twelve-15 slide PowerPoint Presentation and report– Early and Middle Child Development (100 points)
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to synthesize your new knowledge and extend your learning by discussing theories related to child development, birth defects, and language acquisition.
For this Signature Assignment, you will need to construct a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation with an introduction and references explaining what you have learned about early and middle childhood development from at least eight different resources. Begin by discussing Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Next, explain the role of play in child development and Piaget’s preoperational stage. Then discuss activities to support learning. Use the notes section in the PowerPoint presentation to add narrative content you would typically speak as you show your presentation (a good presentation is more than just reading what you wrote on the slides!) As you construct your presentation, consider the layout, use of fonts, text, and color while using accurate language and mechanics. Your five references should be listed on a Works Cited slide in MLA format.