Maria Tallchief is a single taxpayer (birthdate May 18, 1995) living at 543 Space Drive, Houston, TX 77099. Her Social Security number is 466-33-1234. For 2022, Maria has no dependents, and received a W-2 from her job at a local restaurant where she is a cashier. These wages are Maria’s only income for 2022.
Complete Form 1040 for Maria Tallchief for the 2022 tax year. If there is an over-payment, she would like a refund.
- She wants to donate $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. The election to donate does not affect tax liability in any way.
- Maria has health care coverage for the full year.
- Enter all amounts as positive numbers.
- If an amount box requires no entry or the amount is zero, enter “0”.
- If required, round amounts to the nearest dollar.
Need by June 4 at 12noon central time USA.
Tax Accounting