Exploring Philosophical Worldviews: Connecting One Truth and Christianity
Philosophical worldviews significantly influence our understanding of reality and shape our approach to research. This forum aims to provide a comprehensive review of four prominent philosophical worldviews: positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, and pragmatism. Furthermore, we will examine which worldview aligns best with the belief in a single truth, particularly from the perspective of Christianity. We will also explore the congruence and potential problem areas between various philosophical worldviews and a Christian worldview.
Positivism asserts the existence of a single objective reality that researchers aim to discover through empirical observation and measurement (Dedeurwaerdere, 2018). It emphasizes the use of scientific methods and aims for value-free knowledge. From a Christian perspective, positivism aligns with the belief in a single truth as it suggests that there is an ultimate reality governed by God’s design and order (Guthrie, 2019). The pursuit of uncovering objective truth through rigorous scientific investigation resonates with the idea that God’s truth can be discovered through His creation.
Post-positivism acknowledges the existence of a single objective reality but recognizes the limitations of human understanding in fully grasping it (Dedeurwaerdere, 2018). McMurtry (2020) argues that post-positivism transcends the absolutist claims of positivism and relativism by acknowledging the fallibility of human knowledge. From a Christian perspective, post-positivism aligns with the concept that human understanding is limited and that ultimate truth resides in God (Schultz, 2019). The recognition of our limitations in grasping the fullness of truth echoes the Christian belief in the transcendence and incomprehensibility of God’s nature.
Constructivism, as described by Dedeurwaerdere (2018), posits that reality is not objective but is socially and individually constructed. It suggests that multiple subjective realities exist, and researchers aim to understand the perspectives and interpretations of individuals. While constructivism may seem divergent from the concept of a single truth, Guthrie (2019) argues for the compatibility of constructivism with Christianity. He proposes Christian constructivism, which emphasizes the role of God’s revelation in shaping individual interpretations and understanding of reality. In this framework, the ultimate truth remains rooted in God, but individual perspectives and interpretations contribute to the richness of understanding.
Lastly, Pragmatism focuses on problem-solving and practicality rather than ontological claims about reality (Powell, 2020). It emphasizes the use of diverse tools and methods to understand and address real-world issues. While pragmatism does not directly align with the concept of a single truth, it can be compatible with Christianity in its emphasis on practical action guided by moral values. Christianity emphasizes the importance of applying biblical truths in practical ways to bring about positive change in the world.
From a Christian perspective, positivism finds alignment with the belief in a single truth and the pursuit of uncovering that truth through scientific inquiry. Positivism’s emphasis on empirical observation and measurement resonates with the idea that God’s truth can be revealed through His creation. Dedeurwaerdere (2018) states, “Positivism asserts the existence of a single objective reality that researchers aim to discover through systematic observation and measurement” (p. 80). This viewpoint is in line with the biblical teaching that God’s creation reflects His wisdom and reveals truths about the world.
The Apostle Paul affirms the existence of a single truth when he writes, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” (Romans 1:20, NIV). This verse emphasizes the idea that objective truth can be discerned through the observation and study of the natural world, aligning with the positivist approach to scientific inquiry.
Furthermore, positivism’s commitment to value-free knowledge resonates with the Christian belief that truth is independent of personal biases or subjective interpretations. Guthrie (2019) discusses the compatibility between positivism and Christianity, stating that “positivism’s aspiration to neutral, objective, and unbiased knowledge resonates with the Christian tradition’s commitment to God’s truth as the foundation of all truth” (p. 448). This alignment suggests that the pursuit of objective truth through empirical investigation can be seen as a means of discovering and understanding God’s truth.
However, it is important to note that there can be potential challenges when integrating positivism with a Christian worldview. Positivism tends to focus solely on empirical evidence and may disregard other forms of knowledge, such as revelation or spiritual insights. While positivism can provide valuable insights into the natural world, it may not fully capture the depth and richness of spiritual truth. As Christians, it is crucial to recognize that there are aspects of truth that extend beyond the scope of empirical observation.
To address this, biblical integration can offer a broader perspective. Schultz (2019) highlights the need for an integrated approach, stating, “Biblical integration allows Christian scholars to evaluate philosophical positions by the extent to which they accommodate the broad contours of biblical teaching and provide coherent explanations for human knowledge” (p. 355). By evaluating philosophical worldviews, including positivism, in light of biblical teachings, Christians can discern their compatibility and identify potential limitations.
In exploring the philosophical worldviews of positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, and pragmatism, we find that each offers unique perspectives on reality and knowledge. From a Christian standpoint, while some worldviews may present challenges or require adaptations, they can generally be seen as congruent with a Christian worldview. The pursuit of truth, the recognition of human limitations, the importance of God’s revelation, and the application of moral values in practical ways all find resonance within Christianity. By understanding these philosophical worldviews, we can engage in informed research and meaningful discussions that bridge the gap between different perspectives and contribute to a deeper understanding of truth.
Dedeurwaerdere, T. (2018). From ecological psychology to four varieties of post-positivism in transdisciplinary science. Environment Systems & Decisions, 38(1), 79–83. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-017-9663-4Links to an external site.
Guthrie, D. C. (2019). Integral Engagement: Christian Constructivism and the Social Sciences. Christian Education Journal, 16(3), 445–457. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739891319875155Links to an external site.
McMurtry, A. (2020). Relief for the exhausted post-positivist: New epistemological choices transcend positivism, relativism, and even post-positivism. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(6), e197–e198. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.71217Links to an external site.
Powell, T. C. (2020). Can Quantitative Research Solve Social Problems? Pragmatism and the Ethics of Social Research. Journal of Business Ethics, 167(1), 41–48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04196-7Links to an external site.
Ryan, G. (2018). Introduction to positivism, interpretivism and critical theory. Nurse Researcher, 25(4), 14–20. https://doi.org/10.7748/nr.2018.e1466Links to an external site.
Schultz, W. J. (2019). The incoherence of divine possibility constructivism. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 85(3), 347–361. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11153-018-9682-1Links to an external site.
Discussion Thread: Research Paradigms and Christian Worldview
The most applicable worldview for this discussion is constructivism. According to Pande and Bharathi (2020), constructivism is a learning theory that is an active and constructive process. This means learning occurs through action and interaction with the subject in a way that grows as experience occurs. Another way for perceiving this type of worldview is an open-minded mindset that shifts understanding based off added information. This perpetual learning reduces barriers through increased desire for various perspectives.
The Connection of Constructivism and Research Methodology
Understanding the philosophical worldview gleans insight into the researcher’s perspective when analyzing information. The constructivist worldview provides more objective understanding and outcomes over time, as various avenues of information accumulate. Thrasher (2019) provides an example of this when he identified the inherent structure of the judicial process that interprets legal documents over time and creates precedents as time goes on. The judicial system is inherently constructivist as it relies on the interpretation of laws and amendments that were nonexistent for previous interpretations. According to Pereira (2022), the philosophy of Immanuel Kant identifies the relationship between objects (information) as mind-dependent on the thoughts of outside sources. This means the nature of something is dependent on the perception and understanding of people, which aligns with the individual interpretation in the constructivist worldview. Understanding this connection assists personal research approach through understanding the data receives interpretation from individuals with their own worldviews. Using factual data provides more objective outcomes that should provide more relevant information to a wider audience.
The Comparison of Constructivism and the Christian Worldview
Constructivism does not create any friction with the Christian worldview. The constructivist worldview aligns well with Christian worldviews as the foundation builds upon individual interpretation. The potential for discourse arises when individual mindsets may focus on subjective interpretation that contradicts the beliefs of certain audiences. Guthrie (2019) provided the importance of Christian constructivism in realizing and accepting the beliefs of other sources of information, but still interpreting that information through a Christian lense. The Christian worldview seeks understanding into the influence their beliefs have on the world, which lends itself to information gathering and personal interpretation. Open-mindedness inherent for constructivist thinking is on a spectrum. There are areas of information where beliefs are less moveable, but those areas do not normally reside in academic research areas that focus on solving organizational problems.
Biblical Integration
There are multiple biblical references related to the understanding of worldviews. This section identifies a few references and interprets their applicability toward the philosophical worldview of constructivism.
Colossians 2:8
This verse states, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” This relates to constructivism and philosophical worldview by capturing the personal lense of information. Constructivism seeks knowledge through building off previous knowledge, but that does not mean everything studied becomes a belief. Seeking various perspectives allows a unique understanding through personal resonance with what the information provides an individual.
Romans 12:2
This verse states, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” This reference aligns with the constructivist worldview through seeking an understanding of the world. This is an individual focus where the personal perception creates the connection between the person and their beliefs. Growing understanding strengthens their connection with God by seeking an understanding through the lense of that belief.
Guthrie, D. (2019). Integral engagement: Christian constructivism and the social sciences. Christian Education Journal, 16(3), 445-457. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0739891319875155Links to an external site.
Pande, M., & Bharathi, S. V. (2020). Theoretical foundations of design thinking – A constructivism learning approach to design thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 36, 1-17. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100637Links to an external site.
Pereira, R. H. (2022). Constructivism in Kant’s theoretical philosophy. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1-9. doi: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01265-7Links to an external site.
Thrasher, J. (2019). Constructivism, representation, and stability: Path-dependence in public reason theories of social justice. Synthese, 196, 429-450. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-017-1488-7