Hello class, my name is Nicolas Wood. I am a husband and father of 4, and a veteran. I am currently a police officer, but do not have any experience in corrections.
I believe rehabilitation needs to be the goal of sentencing. Just as we are here, learning about the criminal justice system and how to professionally be a part of it, that is what the corrections systems have become for criminals. So many first time offenders are entering the system and by the time they are released they have some form of gang involvement, and recidivism is simply just a matter of time. Offenders have too much idle time and not enough focus on rehabilitation. A stronger focus on rehabilitation would fill that idle time as well as prepare offenders to successfully reintegrate into society.
For your two responses, choose peers who have a different view on the future of a goal of sentencing. Describe the differences in your thinking with their initial posts, and note whether they shared anything that changed your viewpoint.