This assignment allows the student to select a country of interest and gather information about the area, the population, and health status. The World Fact Book Links to an external site. is the recommended resource for parts 1 and 2. The following information must be included in your submission. You are encouraged to present much of this information in charts or tables. Be sure to include an introduction, discussion and conclusion, and any additional narrative as needed for clarity. Be sure to clearly address each of the three sections below.
Charts or Tables: Charts, figures and tables must be formatted according to APA 7th; see Chapter 7. These graphical displays of data summarize information and have a purpose (APA 7th, 2020). In this assignment, you will reference your chart, figure or table in the body of your paper but your displays will be placed after your reference page, organized and labeled consecutively. Please see example that is in your class module. Do not use colors for your tables or figures; color may be used minimally in charts, for example, to clarify age groups.
1) General Information and Demographics: Create a table to include the following information: Name the country, region in which the country is located, population size, type of government, natural or environmental hazards, access to clean water and sanitation, food and agriculture. Describe the population size, primary ethnic groups, primary languages spoken, main religions, age distributions, education level, poverty rate, unemployment rate
2) Health Status – this is information that you can find on the World Fact Book website. Items 1-6 should be presented in a table. Describe the health status of primary ethnic groups, birthrate of various groups, life expectancy, mortality rate causes, portion of GDP spent on healthcare, and common infectious diseases.
- What is the birthrate how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What is the maternal mortality rate and how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What is the infant mortality rate and how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What is the life expectancy at birth and how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What is the adult obesity rate and how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What is the rate of deaths by HIV/AIDS and how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What percent of GDP is spent on health care and how does that rank compared to the rest of the world?
- What is the physician hospital bed density?
- What are the common infectious diseases?
3) Health Systems – You will need to look at some additional sources for this section. Include information about government healthcare delivery systems, NGO’s and private resources available to healthcare, nursing’s presence in the country, and the primary causes of death and disability. This information is best presented in narrative form.