Assignment Details
This Capstone class is a culmination of everything you have been exposed to at AIU, especially in your criminal justice coursework. For your Capstone project, you will select a single topic to work with through IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4 and IP5. You begin in IP1 by selecting your topic and then writing a 2-3 page paper that explains why it is a problem that needs addressing in the criminal justice system. It will be helpful to select a topic that you are passionate about because you will spend a lot of time over the next five weeks researching it. If you do not know what topic to select, then here are some ideas for you to consider:
- Racial profiling
- Forensic profiling
- Tasers and decreased injuries
- Prison job training and recidivism
- Body cameras and liability reduction
- High speed vehicle pursuits & liability
- Solitary confinement and mental health
- Gun violence / mass shootings
- Human trafficking
- Hostage negotiations / de-escalation techniques
- Drug rehab and recidivism
- Drug rehab versus incarceration
- Community policing and minority relations
- Officers’ use of excessive force in minority neighborhoods
- Insert your creative topic here
Your IP1 paper is a 2-3 page problem statement that discusses or brings into focus the issue(s) that you have identified. Below are some sample questions to jumpstart your creativity. You do not have to answer all of these questions:
- What is the issue? Why is it a problem? Why is it important to address this issue in the criminal justice system?
- How or why is the issue affecting the community, law enforcement, court cases, correctional operations, or parole administration?
- Does the issue increase recidivism rates? How or why?
- Is the issue adversely impacting the relationship between minorities and the criminal justice system? How or why?
- Is there a hiring issue or a training issue that needs to be addressed for criminal justice employees?
- Do laws or policies need to be created or changed to fix the identified problem(s)?
Click here for a blank template in Microsoft Word to begin writing your paper. Save it to your computer.