Books Used:
- Entwist, D. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration (3rd ed.). Wipf and Stock.
- Johnson, E. (2010). Psychology and Christianity: Five views (2nd ed.). InterVarsity. ISBN: 9780830828487.
Each answer must:
- Address all aspects of the question.
- Show a clear understanding of concepts.
- Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of subject matter.
- Integrate class text into essay in a manner that demonstrates mastery of key issues.
- Use proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format.
- Give through responses to each question.
- Provide a brief overview of PSYCH-1 through PSYCH-6 of the Biblical Counseling View.
- What is the focus or vision for the Transformational View? Explain.
- According to the Christian Psychology View, what is the foundational commitment of Jesus’s psychology? Expound upon this.
- Entwist offers what critique of the Neutral Parties model?
- In what ways are Colonialists and the “new” nouthetic movement similar? How does this deviate from the original model by Jay Adams according to the Entwisted text?
- According to Entwistle, describe worldview integration, foundational integration, disciplinary and scholarly integration, applied integration, and public and personal integration.
- Expound on 5 of the 7 ways to relate faith and Psychology according to the Levels of Explanation View.
- Describe Christian Neutrality and Psychological Neutrality.
- In chapter 4 of the Johnson (2010) text regarding Christian Psychology View, the authors Roberts and Watson, discuss the implications of psychology from the passage of the Sermon on the Mount. Explain their viewpoint and how they feel this touches on psychology, overall well-being, and how this segues into their belief that “Christian psychology is a different psychology” (p. 158). Lastly, what is your view on this?
- Expound on Ent istle’s coverage of professional ethics, workplace environment and informed consent, and religiously based interventions. Why is it important to understand professional boundaries regarding integration?
PSyc 520 Final