

The Literature Review and Searching for Evidence

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Within the literature review section, I chose to summarize the study’s section on the perceived value of nursing specialty certification. The analysis presented in the article was a systematic review looking at different articles published between 2000 and 2018 that focus on the value of nursing specialty certification on patient, nurse, and organizational outcomes. In some of the studies, participants were asked to complete the Perceived Value of Certification Tool (PVCT). This tool measures the perceived intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of nursing specialty certification. Intrinsic rewards are internal personal gains that nurses experience due to specialty certification. Extrinsic rewards are those defined by others and are external to the individual, such as praise, monetary rewards, etc. The literature review summarized findings from the studies and ranked the top three highest-rated intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Common to the studies were intrinsic rewards of specialty certification, such as a sense of personal accomplishment and validation of specialty knowledge. Extrinsic rewards common to the studies were recognition from employers and peers, increased marketability, and increased salary.

The author’s research aimed to determine current methods of continuing competence concerning CMSRN specialty certification and re-certification by distributing a national online survey to CMSRNs (Boyle & Thompson, 2020). The literature review addressed the author’s research purpose by reviewing previously studied methods of continuing competence regarding specialty nursing certification and nurses’ perceptions of the value of certification. The review was presented logically and included literature dated eighteen years before publishing. The studies were all relevant to the topic and supported the study’s importance. By comparing the results of the current research study to those in the literature review, the author can draw parallels or show differences in results over time. Reading through the literature review section, I found it interesting to review the barriers to pursuing nursing specialty certification. Through a clinical evidence review of 15 studies, Halm (2021) sheds light on how specialty nursing certification in the acute/critical care environment can improve patient, personal, and organizational outcomes. Despite the multiple beneficial purposes of specialty certification, I find it discouraging that nurses identify the cost of the exam as a barrier to certification. I believe that places of employment should encourage specialty certification and cover the cost of the exam. In doing so, the organization will reap the benefits of improved patient care and health outcomes and increase patient satisfaction (Halm, 2021). According to Halm (2021), clinical evidence also reveals that specialty certification decreases the turnover rates of employees in an organization and improves care processes.

One strategy I learned that would help create a strong literature review/search for evidence is to refer to the evidence pyramid when performing a search. The evidence pyramid presents the hierarchical levels of information available to researchers (Houser, 2023). The bottom of the pyramid represents unfiltered information and literature, such as clinical trials and other studies that others have not reviewed or appraised (Houser, 2023). Moving toward the top of the pyramid are filtered resources that have been reviewed by experts and represent the highest level of evidence and most credible resources. In performing a literature review, referring to the pyramid when finding a piece of literature can be helpful to know how strong the evidence presented is. Before beginning research, one imperative strategy is to have a very focused research topic or question. A focused topic will help identify key concepts. Developing a PICOT question helps identify key ideas. Once key concepts are identified, to be successful and efficient in a search, it is essential to break key concepts down into searchable terms by brainstorming alternative search terms, synonyms, or other similar phrases that might have a similar meaning. This structured approach to searching will save time and effort (Watson, 2020).   A thorough literature review is vital because it will provide an assortment of material containing the most up-to-date evidence on a desired research problem/topic. It will analyze what has already been written about a specific topic. The literature review might present insight into the research problem that hadn’t previously been considered. The review might help refine a particular direction for the research, perhaps opening doorways to areas where more research is needed.

( Ingrid)


Boyle, D. K., & Thompson, S.A. (2020). CMSRNs’ continuing competence methods and perceived value of certification: A descriptive study. MEDSURG Nursing, 29(4), 229-254. https://chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=145282314&site=eds-live&scope=siteLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.

Halm, M. A. (2021). Specialty certification: A path to improving outcomes. American Journal of Critical Care30(2), 156–160. https://doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2021569

Houser, J. (2023). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Watson, M. (2020). How to undertake a literature search: a step-by-step guide. British Journal of Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing)29(7), 431–435. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2020.29.7.431




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