Written Assignment (Assessment methods and using tests)
Assignment Overview: This week’s written assignment will focus on creating test questions.
Deliverables and Due Dates: Upload your paper by Sunday night at 11:59 pm Mountain Time.
Assignment Details: Assume you are presenting a 1-2 hour class/lecture on a topic of your choice to be given to a group of nurses or senior level nursing students. The topic must be related to nursing care. In an opening paragraph, provide a description of the content to be covered. Write 3 learning objectives reflecting Blooms taxonomy at the “applying ”level or above based on what you want the students to know/be able to do at the end of the class session (number them 1-3). Select your verbs carefully. Be sure you are writing application oriented questions or above.
Write 3 multiple-choice questions, 2 multiple answer/select questions, and one short essay question that measure these objectives. Number them1-6. These should be questions that you write yourself, not questions you find somewhere. Use your textbooks and/or other sources to learn best practices for test writing. Highlight the answers (you do not have to answer the essay question).
Consider the following as you write your test questions because you will be plugging this information into your test blueprint.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (do not use the “remembering” or “understanding” levels).· Applying · Analyzing · Evaluating · Creating
NCLEX Categories
· Safe, Effective Care Environment o Management of Care o Safety and Infection Control · Health Promotion & Maintenance · Psychological Integrity · Physiological Integrity o Basic Care & Comfort o Pharmacological & Parental Therapies o Reduction of Risk Potential o Physiological Adaptation |
Stage of the Nursing Process
· Assessment · Diagnosis · Planning · Implementation · Evaluation |
QSEN Competencies
1. Patient centered care 2. Teamwork and collaboration 3. Evidenced based practice 4. Quality improvement 5. Safety 6. Informatics |
Complete the test blueprint (see next page) and include it in your paper. When finished, provide a paragraph or two analyzing your questions. For example, do the questions reflect Blooms taxonomy, NCLEX categories, stages of the nursing process, and QSEN competencies? Is anything missing?
Write a concluding paragraph about your test writing experience.
Grading: The assignment components will be graded on content, organization, presentation, writing mechanics, and correct APA formatting.
Include the actual test item number, the objective it measures, Bloom’s level, stage of the nursing process, and QSEN competency number. For the rest, just place an X for any applicable area.
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level |
Nsg. Process
Stages |
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Mgmt of Care
Inf. Control
Health Prom.
Basic Care