CMD 415 – Disorders of Child Language

Reading Reflections


In completing these writing assignments, students will:

Learn background knowledge and facts related to language disorders in children.

Make a connection with the content material.

Have multiple opportunities to practice writing in the discipline (using new vocabulary and technical terminology) in a low-stakes manner.

Consider writing for a specific audience and the adjustments in writing necessary to meet audience’s needs/expectations.

Systematically edit writing with an eye toward developing professional writing style.


Write a two to three-paragraph summary of the assigned reading/viewing material, followed by a two to three-paragraph reflection that includes comment, observation, reflection, and/or question about the reading.

Submitted work should be four to six paragraphs in length.

Submissions should reflect the fact that you’ve read/viewed the assigned material, summarized the key points, thought about it, and linked it back to something you have previously learned or experienced – in school or in life beyond the classroom.

The first two to three paragraphs should summarize the assigned reading/viewing.

The next two to three paragraphs should indicate that you thought about the reading and should start with something like, “I found it interesting that…,” “I have a question about…,” “________ in this reading made me think about…,” “I would like to learn more about…,” “________ made me wonder…” or something similar.

Reflections receiving full credit must go beyond a summary of the assigned material.

What you write should reflect the fact that you’ve read the chapter, thought about it, and tied it back to something you have previously learned or experienced. Your reflection should indicate that you thought about the reading and could start with:

I found it interesting that…

I have a question about…

________ in this reading made me think about…

I would like to learn more about…

________ made me wonder…

or something similar

There are 5 reflections assigned throughout the semester. Students will receive grades for four of them. They may select which ones they submit. This is designed to give students flexibility in managing their workload through the semester.

Reflections will be submitted in person on the due date indicated in the course calendar. Late reflections will not be accepted.

Evaluation Rubric

The following rubric will be applied to the reflections:

Writing Checklist

When planning and reviewing your reading reflections and when reviewing peer work in class, consider the following:


Writing follows specified format (in this case, 2-5 paragraphs, no longer than 2 double-spaced pages).

Overall organization is clear, logical, and coherent, with information arranged into paragraphs based on topic or content.

Paragraphs follow an organized structure with a topic sentence, related details, and closing.

Sentences are complete and not run-on.

Standard spelling is used, words spelled correctly.

Standard punctuation is used.

Grammatical conventions are followed.

Standard capitalization conventions are followed (e.g., at the beginning of sentences, proper nouns, and acronyms such as TBI or AAC). If in doubt about whether a disease or communication disorder is capitalized, double-check in the textbook.

Shorthand (e.g., b/c, &) and colloquial abbreviations (e.g., LOL) are avoided.


Writing addresses the assigned question or task.

Writing uses relevant vocabulary/terminology.

Main idea(s) are well defined and developed in depth.


Writing effectively conveys author’s idea(s).

Writing is clearly for intended audience.

Ideas are written in clear and concise sentences.

The writer’s voice/unique sensibility is revealed in the writing by avoidance of clichéd or generic writing.

Read Chapter 1 attached Please let me know if you can open it. 


CMD 415 – Disorders of Child Language Reading Reflections Objectives In completing these writing assignments, students will: Learn background knowledge and facts related to language disorders in ch
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